Field position battle but I'll take it considering it's kinda turning out in our favor a bit. Still, looks like I was right so far about the Donks' D looking like it's legit...
Cowboys bandwagoners did it for me. And that was way back in the 70's lol...
That and the America's team was annoying. I don't directly blame them for it, though. That actually was good marketing...
Used to hear this stuff about the Patriots too. It's just hater talk...
I get it. I'd be a little frustrated too if it was my team that got beat in two straight Superbowls by the other team...
Hell, even my wife has co-workers who every week tells her "I hate the fuckin' Chiefs"... :D
Hey, Troy DID say way back that when Mahomes gets 1 third the rings I have then he can talk. What do you make of that...?
Now he's matched him with a whole lotta career left...