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That makes trading him tough unless he agrees to renegotiate. He might be willing to do that just to get out of here.

This whole situation is a mess at this point. But I get the feeling if Scot is really trying to be done with him, he will want to do it before we go into week one of the season. You can not have a 46 million dollar 3rd QB on roster. It would cause alot more drama than cutting him at this point.


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I'm not buying it. Who in the know would talk to the press about such a sensitive subject? And only a few people in the organization would know the specifics of the discussion. I think it's pure speculation at this point. I'm no rg3 fan anymore, but the skins would gain nothing by cutting rg3 at this point.

How about the one guy who has a vested interest in screwed up things remaing the same in ole' DC......Bruce!!!


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Something is seriously wrong with some of you on this board......yeah I said it, and, just in case you missed it....something is seriously wrong with some of you on this board!! Dan Snyder is not known for his reluctance to sue publications for false or perceived slanderous reporting, he's done it before.

Just because you don't like the report or use lame reasons, such as no name attached to it, doesn't mean that there is no truth to it. Granted the idea is to sell copy, so some embellishment will happen, but there just can't possibly be any way to disregard the entire report on the basis mentioned above. Reporters are known to have sources that for whatever reasons wish to remain unnamed and if you choose to not like the report just say so. You don't like or trust the media, that's fine too, but be consistent, don't like or trust those that report stories that agree with your sentiments.

To me action speaks louder than words, if Snyder is not suing, and the communication mogul doesn't feel the need to use his outlets as a means to debunk the reports, then he and his dysfunctional organization should wear the title proudly! ! For me, like everyone else I'll read the reports and attempt to put them in some sort of perspective.........until I'm given something else, that perspective will be one based on the only thing that he has consistently given me as a follower.............dysfunction!

Yeah, this latest report is right up Redskin alley, SOP in fact. It might not be true, but if it is true. There's not a single Redskins fan who should be surprised or shocked about it. Pissed off and mad, sure, but surprised? Not one bit.


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Something is seriously wrong with some of you on this board......yeah I said it, and, just in case you missed it....something is seriously wrong with some of you on this board!! Dan Snyder is not known for his reluctance to sue publications for false or perceived slanderous reporting, he's done it before.

Just because you don't like the report or use lame reasons, such as no name attached to it, doesn't mean that there is no truth to it. Granted the idea is to sell copy, so some embellishment will happen, but there just can't possibly be any way to disregard the entire report on the basis mentioned above. Reporters are known to have sources that for whatever reasons wish to remain unnamed and if you choose to not like the report just say so. You don't like or trust the media, that's fine too, but be consistent, don't like or trust those that report stories that agree with your sentiments.

To me action speaks louder than words, if Snyder is not suing, and the communication mogul doesn't feel the need to use his outlets as a means to debunk the reports, then he and his dysfunctional organization should wear the title proudly! ! For me, like everyone else I'll read the reports and attempt to put them in some sort of perspective.........until I'm given something else, that perspective will be one based on the only thing that he has consistently given me as a follower.............dysfunction!

sty , its kind of early in the process dont you think for law suits and such ? my standard is and has always been if you dont have the sack to put your name on it then shut up period .

does all of this seem plausible ? sure its a good theory but a theory none the less and yet its reported as fact

here are some facts gruden benched 3 for colt . now is that the action of a snyder who loves 3 ? not likely that is also action not words .

now i do see how snyder , in the off season, comes in and says lets give my gamble on 3 more time . a new GM SM goes along with it and the set 3 up perfectly with 1st team snaps all the way up until he got hurt

is he the king of dysfunction ? yes has that been consistent ? yes do reporters have their sources ? yes however they are backing away from all that and are putting out theories not facts

haz apparently was the "un named source " in a lot of drama the last few years so it could be a well placed guy in the organization but the skins PR dept has looked like buffoons for years and now this ?

i believe we need to move on from 3 . i have said we dont have our future qb on the roster . i have said KC has failed to seize the job to dean and others i have said KC moves the team the best

that doesnt mean i think KC is the answer or is not the answer or mccoy for that matter but what i am saying is 3 cant function as a pro qb at this point

if he is named starter week one i will support and root for 3 to succeed because that is what is best for the team . but if he cant do it then its time to cut bait and move on

if KC is named starter i will root for him to succeed because if he fails it hurts the team

same with mccoy

all i want is reporters to report facts drop the GD agendas and let me decide whats what and stop having those arrogant assholes tell me what to think


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
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Comedy Central time ;)

LMAO at 'PFT anonymous source calls anonymously sourced ESPN report on RGIII "spaghetti journalism."



Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
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Another good read from Jerry Brewer



Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
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I'm going to support and root for whoever lines up behind center.

Whether it be Cousins, McCoy or Griffin. But choose one. And move forward.

I'm personally ready to move on from Griffin. I think it's a lose/lose proposition with him in DC now. Deactivate, trade (which I find it hard to believe can happen with the option) or cut him if he's not going to be the starter.


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I'm going to support and root for whoever lines up behind center.

Whether it be Cousins, McCoy or Griffin. But choose one. And move forward.

I'm personally ready to move on from Griffin. I think it's a lose/lose proposition with him in DC now. Deactivate, trade (which I find it hard to believe can happen with the option) or cut him if he's not going to be the starter.

Thing is, Im not sure they are ready to swallow a $6 million plus cap hit for him to go elsewhere. If we trade him, the cap hit is only $3.5 million or roughly there abouts. If we cut him or keep him the hit is the same.

And there is always the Danny factor.


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
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Thing is, Im not sure they are ready to swallow a $6 million plus cap hit for him to go elsewhere. If we trade him, the cap hit is only $3.5 million or roughly there abouts. If we cut him or keep him the hit is the same.

And there is always the Danny factor.
All good points. They might not be ready. I just said I am. Heh.

While cutting or keeping him means the same $ hit, the drama surrounding keeping him, isnt worth it to me at this point. Just my opinion.


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All good points. They might not be ready. I just said I am. Heh.

While cutting or keeping him means the same $ hit, the drama surrounding keeping him, isnt worth it to me at this point. Just my opinion.

Oh dont get me wrong, part of me thinks they need to simply be done with the whole thing and release him. Because short of locking him in a room and making him study film til his eyes bleed, Im not quite sure he is fixable. But I must admit the last thing I would want to see is him stay healthy and go to some place like Philly. I think that would come back to bite us in more ways than one. So keep him, put him on the pup, lock him in that room I was talking about for six weeks. And if at the end of six weeks he has not shown an ability to read defenses and check out of bad plays... then cut him at mid season.


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
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Here are my thoughts on it.

I just see no benefit of keeping him on the team if he's not going to be the starter.

Too much of a lightening rod to sit on the bench.

If he's pupped, then it drowns out some of the drama, but it still lets it hang around, ready to unfurl at a moments notice as soon as anything goes wrong - which it will - because neither Kirk or Colt are perfect options for QB either.

Not fair to him or this franchise. The talk will continue to be all about 1 player and if he's not starting, how is that beneficial to the team or other 52 players?


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Here are my thoughts on it.

I just see no benefit of keeping him on the team if he's not going to be the starter.

Too much of a lightening rod to sit on the bench.

If he's pupped, then it drowns out some of the drama, but it still lets it hang around, ready to unfurl at a moments notice as soon as anything goes wrong - which it will - because neither Kirk or Colt are perfect options for QB either.

Not fair to him or this franchise. The talk will continue to be all about 1 player and if he's not starting, how is that beneficial to the team or other 52 players?

Well if you put it like that, we cut him. Take the cap hit which is already accounted for any way, and move on. Im fine with that option as you know I had feelings from day one this would hurt the franchise. I admit his rookie year fooled me. But now it might just be time to cut off the leg and let the stump heal already.


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
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Well if you put it like that, we cut him. Take the cap hit which is already accounted for any way, and move on. Im fine with that option as you know I had feelings from day one this would hurt the franchise. I admit his rookie year fooled me. But now it might just be time to cut off the leg and let the stump heal already.
I never wished for it to play out this way. It's truly one of the saddest things I've ever seen.

I just can't see it working for Griffin here anymore. We've got some core players, we're building some depth, cap is back in the manageable arena so the best case scenario for the team seems to be to pass the reins to a 'caretaker' QB (who knows, Cousins may surprise, he's young and cheap) until the right QB comes along.


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I never wished for it to play out this way. It's truly one of the saddest things I've ever seen.

I just can't see it working for Griffin here anymore. We've got some core players, we're building some depth, cap is back in the manageable arena so the best case scenario for the team seems to be to pass the reins to a 'caretaker' QB (who knows, Cousins may surprise, he's young and cheap) until the right QB comes along.

What ever they decide, they need to do it quickly at this point. Dragging it out just adds to the Drama. For the sake of the player and the team, the sooner they pick a direction the better. If you are Scot Mc and the thinking is to roll into the season with only two QB, releasing him this week before the final preseason game makes sense. Except that you cant cut an injured player. So no matter the decision, this is going to play out into preparation for and likely into week one at the earliest.


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Because short of locking him in a room and making him study film til his eyes bleed,
So keep him, put him on the pup, lock him in that room I was talking about for six weeks. And if at the end of six weeks he has not shown an ability to read defenses and check out of bad plays

Four years too late.....SMDH!!!!


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Four years too late.....SMDH!!!!

The guy is only 25 years old. I dont think he is broken beyond repair. I think he just needs to REALLY not be coddled any more. Sit him down and tell him, we are going to PUP you, you have six weeks to actually study film. If he can learn to read defenses, that would be a HUGE step towards fixing him.

That being said, I think that we are in the middle stages of a Divorce here.