Steelerin MS
And with all this fun shit, my paper work is increasing....
I need a suckratary!!!
And no that was not an invite for your sick ass MS....back off bitch
I could have hired you one stupid..........
And with all this fun shit, my paper work is increasing....
I need a suckratary!!!
And no that was not an invite for your sick ass MS....back off bitch
Just hitting golden gargle #1
Them fuckers are vicious when they're pissed..
Man you need to message me where you can get into so much shit and not be on the railroad anymore. LOL
WTF is golden gargle????
y'all getting golden showers from the sicko MS???
Golden gargle,
Liquid courage,
Suds, etc, etc, etc.
Damn send one this way, with a side of moonshine will ya???
Can't bro, you are
Can't bro, you are
LOL..Yeah, new bosses might not appreciate that.
What they dont know wont hurt!!!! LOL
Might need some for the geese police later, ya know to clean out those wounds this dude is gonna get!!!
Yea...that would not be good either!!!