Padded cells optional
Hey yinz bitches as usual I will be in and out.
like a used tampoon

Hey yinz bitches as usual I will be in and out.
like a used tampoon
I least I get some in some way......You just gotta look, wonder, and whack. I'm doin good bitch. LOL
Hey Cali...
Hey JR....
How y'all doing???
Fuckin shit going crazy here tonight....This is what I live for....LOL
Yeah we know psych. You love fucking shit......Sick bastard.......
Did you have to pull your sidearm and fire warning shots?? lol
See thats the difference between you and I, You wanna fuck anything and everything, I just get out the hip boots and kick the shit out the way....
Back of the bus with ya, windows are dirty!!!!![]()
Naw you love sticking your dick in shit. Not your boots. Sick fuck..........What we gonna do with you..??????????? Oh I know we will just leave the shit to you and you will handle and kick it too........Deal!
Just hitting golden gargle #1
Just hitting golden gargle #1
Kick it in the back seat for you to have some place warm to sit on the short bus!!!!
Not yet, that may come later...
Property managment is working on something and the damn fire alarm went off twice...I told them, I dont know and dont care what they are working on, but the alarm needs to stop. One, I have people working here till 1am and two, if I get one more call from the alarm company, they were gonna send someone out to justify the alarm going off so much!!!
Later tonight, I have the geese police coming in to remove a nest in the middle of the damn parking lot....they may need back up, that is gonna be one pissed goose!!!