Lord Shitlord aka El cibernauta
at first glance Im good with it
more options to travel down the pac coast and watch the canucks on the road
and when the coyotes move to quebec there will be 7 teams in the pac/northwest new amalgam division
also glad that they stuck florida and tampa up with those far northeast teams so the leafs and habs can get increased travel too ... fewer of those easy road trips where they can end up back at home to sleep in their own beds ...hope they enjoy!!!
more options to travel down the pac coast and watch the canucks on the road
and when the coyotes move to quebec there will be 7 teams in the pac/northwest new amalgam division
also glad that they stuck florida and tampa up with those far northeast teams so the leafs and habs can get increased travel too ... fewer of those easy road trips where they can end up back at home to sleep in their own beds ...hope they enjoy!!!