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Austin Aries Released

Hitman Hart

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Could see three options:

GFW, ROH/NJPW or retirement. As @jeffro151 said, Aries is an A+ player and is a main event caliber talent.


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I'm not quite as high on Austin Aries as the rest of the thread. In terms of the WWE I think he's a talented midcarder more than a main eventer or a money draw. Still really surprised he was released but there's obviously a bigger story backstage.
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Judge Fudge

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Not surprising. He was a A plus player in TNA, and barely got any TV time on 205. He deserved a Raw spot.

Could see three options:

GFW, ROH/NJPW or retirement. As @jeffro151 said, Aries is an A+ player and is a main event caliber talent.

Hope he goes somewhere that uses him properly.

I'm a HUUUUUUUUUUUHGGGGGEEE fan of A double since his TNA days. He could toe to toe with guys like Roman, AJ, Sami, Seth( dream match by the way). Hell I think he could have a 8/10 with the Brockster.

But he doesn't fit Vince's glass Cena-lling (ya I went there) which makes no sense.


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Well this is some fucking bullshit. WWE dropped the ball big time on this. At worst, AA was arguably their best announcer (its him or Graves). That's his worst case scenario. The man is so talented he can either be a top flight in ring talent or top flight announcer. Best case, he's a main eventer. Ridiculous.

I hope he goes the Cody route and just works ROH and NJPW as a free agent. Whatever to get him in ROH so I can see him more often (don't watch NJPW much outside of a PPV here or there)


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Aries is amazing. I figured this was him being stuck in a sucky cruiserweight division that is horrible.


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Yep. He asked for his release because he didn't like being pigeon holed in the cruiserweight division only and wanted more opportunities. I don't blame him. He was being wasted.


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Yep. He asked for his release because he didn't like being pigeon holed in the cruiserweight division only and wanted more opportunities. I don't blame him. He was being wasted.

Whatever happened to paying dues before whining about your position on the card? Unless your name is AJ Styles you spend a few years in developmental before moving to the main roster. Joe did it, Shinsuke did it, Balor did it, Owens did it, Zayn did it, Neville did it, Roode is currently doing it, Aries did not.

He was in NXT for only a little bit before getting injured and being moved to commentary, and then he was on 205 live for less than 6 months before complaining that he deserved better. There's no doubt AA is talented and should've been higher but that's hard to do when they're building you to become Crusierweight Champion and then you decide your unhappy and want to quit. In another year chances are Aries would've been on SD in the mix but seems he didn't want to wait his turn he wanted things now now now, that's not how WWE operates.


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Whatever happened to paying dues before whining about your position on the card? Unless your name is AJ Styles you spend a few years in developmental before moving to the main roster. Joe did it, Shinsuke did it, Balor did it, Owens did it, Zayn did it, Neville did it, Roode is currently doing it, Aries did not.

He was in NXT for only a little bit before getting injured and being moved to commentary, and then he was on 205 live for less than 6 months before complaining that he deserved better. There's no doubt AA is talented and should've been higher but that's hard to do when they're building you to become Crusierweight Champion and then you decide your unhappy and want to quit. In another year chances are Aries would've been on SD in the mix but seems he didn't want to wait his turn he wanted things now now now, that's not how WWE operates.
That's exactly how WWE operates. Baron Corbin is the MITB holder, Strowman has been battling Reigns among others. AA deserved better than to be fed to Neville with no payoff for him. I don't blame him one bit for leaving


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That's exactly how WWE operates. Baron Corbin is the MITB holder, Strowman has been battling Reigns among others. AA deserved better than to be fed to Neville with no payoff for him. I don't blame him one bit for leaving

Corbin spent 4 years in NXT and a year on SD before really getting any big push and Strowman spent 2 years training at the Performance Center and 1 year in the Wyatt Family before getting his big push. Obviously Aries is way more talented than both of them but don't pretend they just walked in and were handed a push without actually working for it.

And it's hard to have a payoff to his feud with Neville when Aries got injured(yet again) so that obviously limited what they can do with him. It was clear as day how they were building his feud with Neville but when you have a bad attitude and then get hurt once again they're not gonna give you the title. Aries thought he deserved better and WWE thought they could use him to establish the CW division before moving him on to bigger things, the problem was with Aries not getting what he wanted quick enough for his liking.
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Neville is arguably the most dynamic in ring performer in the company and he's close to 10 years younger than Aries. He definitely should have won those matches imo. If there's a guy being wasted in the CW division it's him. I think he's a legitimate main event talent.

Aries could have been used better but I don't think he's one of the WWE's glaring mistakes. He's very good in the ring and on the Mic but at his size he needs to be world class in one of thise categories and he's not that caliber imo.

He's closing in on 40 so he definitely needs to go the indy route if that makes him the most money over the next few years.

If he wasn't happy there this was probably best for both sides.


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Neville is arguably the most dynamic in ring performer in the company and he's close to 10 years younger than Aries. He definitely should have won those matches imo. If there's a guy being wasted in the CW division it's him. I think he's a legitimate main event talent.

Aries could have been used better but I don't think he's one of the WWE's glaring mistakes. He's very good in the ring and on the Mic but at his size he needs to be world class in one of thise categories and he's not that caliber imo.

He's closing in on 40 so he definitely needs to go the indy route if that makes him the most money over the next few years.

If he wasn't happy there this was probably best for both sides.

I agree but there's a contradiction here. If Neville is being wasted in the CWs (and he is to an extent), he should not have won those matches over Aries. The best thing for both of them is ultimately Aries should have won that feud. WWE accomplished what it needed to by putting Neville there. It raised the profile of the CWs and re-engergized Neville. Letting Aries take over would have put the CW belt in very capable hands with the added benefit of boosting Neville back up the card.

Instead, they just left the belt on Neville who has been doing the same bit since Wrestlemania and Aries is out the door. Everyone loses


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I agree but there's a contradiction here. If Neville is being wasted in the CWs (and he is to an extent), he should not have won those matches over Aries. The best thing for both of them is ultimately Aries should have won that feud. WWE accomplished what it needed to by putting Neville there. It raised the profile of the CWs and re-engergized Neville. Letting Aries take over would have put the CW belt in very capable hands with the added benefit of boosting Neville back up the card.

Instead, they just left the belt on Neville who has been doing the same bit since Wrestlemania and Aries is out the door. Everyone loses

If Aries didn't get injured again he would be champion. Everyone only loses because Aries wanted to a main eventer and didn't want to wait. Like I said in an earlier post unless you're name is AJ Styles you don't get put in the main event without spending some time working your way through the ranks. And Austin Aries is no AJ Styles.


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Corbin spent 4 years in NXT and a year on SD before really getting anything big push and Strowman spent 2 years training at the Performance Center and 1 year in the Wyatt Family before getting his big push. Obviously Aries is way more talented than both of them but don't pretend they just walked in and were handed a push without actually working for it.

And it's hard to have a payoff to his feud with Neville when Aries got injured(yet again) so that obviously limited what they can do with him. It was clear as day how they were building his feud with Neville but when you get hurt they're not gonna give you the title. Aries thought he deserved better and WWE thought they could use him to establish the CW division before moving him on to bigger things, the problem was with Aries not getting what he wanted quick enough for his liking.
Aries was a former World champion in multiple places. He had paid his dues. He had been wrestling far longer than Strowman or Corbin. He was one of the most talented guys there. He shouldn't have been stuck in the cruiserweight division at all and that was his beef. You have no idea if they ever would have moved him on to other things. I would imagine he knew much more of what they were planning than you did. I'm sure he talked to Vince and let's be honest, that does absolutely no good. It's why guys like Punk and Del Rio and Rhodes have all left. Vince does what he wants, even if it isn't smart.


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I agree but there's a contradiction here. If Neville is being wasted in the CWs (and he is to an extent), he should not have won those matches over Aries. The best thing for both of them is ultimately Aries should have won that feud. WWE accomplished what it needed to by putting Neville there. It raised the profile of the CWs and re-engergized Neville. Letting Aries take over would have put the CW belt in very capable hands with the added benefit of boosting Neville back up the card.

Instead, they just left the belt on Neville who has been doing the same bit since Wrestlemania and Aries is out the door. Everyone loses
I worry about what they are doing with Neville and Asuke in NXT. Absolutely no one on either roster is believable in beating them. Now if someone currently on the roster beats them, it seems weak and cheap. They almost have to bring in someone from outside to beat both of them and that isn't good IMO. Neville matches, as great as he is, are almost an afterthought for me because I have no belief that there is anyone on the roster that can beat him.


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I agree but there's a contradiction here. If Neville is being wasted in the CWs (and he is to an extent), he should not have won those matches over Aries. The best thing for both of them is ultimately Aries should have won that feud. WWE accomplished what it needed to by putting Neville there. It raised the profile of the CWs and re-engergized Neville. Letting Aries take over would have put the CW belt in very capable hands with the added benefit of boosting Neville back up the card.

Instead, they just left the belt on Neville who has been doing the same bit since Wrestlemania and Aries is out the door. Everyone loses

Let's say he beat Neville, then Neville went onto a big push on SD or Raw . AA goes on to feud with a bunch of unproven guys on 205 Live and have Raw PPV preshow matches would that have been a better use of his talent? Maybe he could have stayed in NXT and been a fixture there until he retired but I'm not sure if that's a better role.

I don't mean this as a slight on Aries but just to put it in perspective...
If it's 1987 he's the best worker on the WWF roster other than Savage and Steamboat. If it's 1997 he's the best other than Bret, Shawn and maybe Owen. In 2007 with Angle leaving and Benoit and Gurerro's death he's one of the better talents other than Micheals. Now you have Styles, Nakamura, Zayn, Finn, Rollins, Neville, Cesaro, Joe, Reigns, Cena, Harper, Breeze, Ziggler.. I would put all of them either on the same tier as Aries or a cut above him. Than you factor in his age and it's difficult to see him getting a major push. Right now I like them teasing a singles run for someone like Gable. He's young and talented and if it works with him you have someone to build around going forward.
TL;DR Aries is a very good wrestler but he's in the wrong place at the wrong time. I think he's better off making a ton of money as a star on the Indys or getting a main event run in a newly branded GFW than staying in the WWE.


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Let's say he beat Neville, then Neville went onto a big push on SD or Raw . AA goes on to feud with a bunch of unproven guys on 205 Live and have Raw PPV preshow matches would that have been a better use of his talent? Maybe he could have stayed in NXT and been a fixture there until he retired but I'm not sure if that's a better role.

I don't mean this as a slight on Aries but just to put it in perspective...
If it's 1987 he's the best worker on the WWF roster other than Savage and Steamboat. If it's 1997 he's the best other than Bret, Shawn and maybe Owen. In 2007 with Angle leaving and Benoit and Gurerro's death he's one of the better talents other than Micheals. Now you have Styles, Nakamura, Zayn, Finn, Rollins, Neville, Cesaro, Joe, Reigns, Cena, Harper, Breeze, Ziggler.. I would put all of them either on the same tier as Aries or a cut above him. Than you factor in his age and it's difficult to see him getting a major push. Right now I like them teasing a singles run for someone like Gable. He's young and talented and if it works with him you have someone to build around going forward.
TL;DR Aries is a very good wrestler but he's in the wrong place at the wrong time. I think he's better off making a ton of money as a star on the Indys or getting a main event run in a newly branded GFW than staying in the WWE.
I'd put Syles, Nakamura, Finn, Rollins, Neville, Joe, Cena above him. I don't think I put any of those other guys above him. He would have been a superb mid card champion and a guy who flirts with being a main eventer. I think that's enough to keep him happy, even though I think he deserves to be a main eventer all day.


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I'd put Syles, Nakamura, Finn, Rollins, Neville, Joe, Cena above him. I don't think I put any of those other guys above him. He would have been a superb mid card champion and a guy who flirts with being a main eventer. I think that's enough to keep him happy, even though I think he deserves to be a main eventer all day.
Not to get into semantics, but it's not that I think they're all better.. I think all of them are arguably as good or better than him in ring. I know you're not a Zayn fan but I would take him, Owens and Cesaro over Aries no questions asked as well as the people you already mentioned.
You could argue Aries is better than Ziggler or Breeze but to me it's debatable, they're both younger, Ziggler's already established and Breeze has more upside.

I would have been fine with Aries getting a push and a mid card belt but they have Owens, Styles, Miz and Ambrose feuding over the IC and US belts right now. Imo you can't swap Aries out for any of those guys and call it an upgrade.

Again, I think he's better off somewhere else higher on the card and probably making more money than waiting for a big break on an over crowded roster at 39 yrs old


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Not to get into semantics, but it's not that I think they're all better.. I think all of them are arguably as good or better than him in ring. I know you're not a Zayn fan but I would take him, Owens and Cesaro over Aries no questions asked as well as the people you already mentioned.
You could argue Aries is better than Ziggler or Breeze but to me it's debatable, they're both younger, Ziggler's already established and Breeze has more upside.

I would have been fine with Aries getting a push and a mid card belt but they have Owens, Styles, Miz and Ambrose feuding over the IC and US belts right now. Imo you can't swap Aries out for any of those guys and call it an upgrade.

Again, I think he's better off somewhere else higher on the card and probably making more money than waiting for a big break on an over crowded roster at 39 yrs old
Theres 0 chance I'd take Zayn or Cesaro over Aries. And Ziggler isn't in the same area code. Owens sure, but he wasn't on the list of guys you named. I think Aries could have went to SD and been in feuds with top guys immediately and been fantastic.