Shield-Thread Killa
Tribal Member
It completes me.....
Vikings is good too.
Not GOT good... but Katheryn Winnick sure is nice to look at.
Looks like there's no Hodor or Bran this season from what I could tell.
So this trailer basically confirms:
- No Greyjoy subplot
- No Jon Connington subplot
- Sansa is Lady Stoneheart now I guess......k.
On top of that we already know they cut out the two interesting Martell children and left in the one that does absolutely nothing.
Man, the show runners must really think their shit don't stink here.
Posted this on the NFL board, but I feel it belongs here as well.
Anybody play the Telltale Game of Thrones game yet? Only two episodes out so far, but overall I've been really surprised at how good it is.
Got a question here, directed toward the book readers, and possibly a **slight spoiler...**
At the end of the Lord Bolton/Ramsay scene in "The Mountain and the Viper," House Bolton's army is seen heading towards a city. It looks far too south, and much too entact to be Winterfell (should be rubble now, more or less?) I know Roose was appointed Warden of the North and instructed to rebuild Winterfell, but what city is this on his path?
Side note: I'm thinking a Bolton - Baratheon (hopefully Jon Snow included) war is inevitable, though it's apparent Stannis currently has his hands full with the Wildlings and White Walkers.