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Could OU become Bama's 2010 Michigan St?


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Jesus you like to make long posts. All I got from that one is you admit you were just trying to stir up shit in a gameday thread, got into it with a mod in another thead, and ended up here. That means you know full well it had nothing to do with me and yet you blamed it on me earlier in this thread. So you can't say you always say the truth can you?

Do other game threads go off topic? Sure they do. Have the mods kicked other posters off those threads when they are just trying to stir up shit? Yes. Ask OcD about it and I don't think he is the only one. Had you made a thread about it I'd have simply ignored it like I do most of those lame ass trolling threads. I was in that game thread talking to several other people about the game when you came in. It was boring to you? THEN DON'T GO THERE. Pretty simple. You just don't have the right to go break up threads as you see fit just because you are bored. Again, you could have made a thread about your observations and I doubt you would have ended up here.

As for my stirring up shit and what has happened to me? I've never been talked to by a mod, but I don't think I've ever started shit in the fashion you do. I have never had a mod reprimand me in any way, but I assure you if I had I would probably not choose to fight with them about it. It sounds to me like that was your problem. It wasn't the back and forth between us that got you here, it was how you conducted yourself when one or more mods were talking to you.

Bandwagon, I don't know how the others are viewing your words, but I don't have any problem with you coming to his aid. I honestly didn't think he had any friends up here as I only ever see him involved in drama, but I have admitted that I do not generally read most bama/SEC threads so it was news to see someone stand up for him.

I didn't ask for a mod to exile him, nor have I asked for him to remain here. While I believe he will just go back to being the same old annoying poster if let out of here I wouldn't vote to keep him here if it was put up for such a thing. I'm fully capable of ignoring assholes and jackasses. Did a lot of that on cBS. I mean it is more funny that he is in here, but I really don't care if he is let out or not.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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I read it the first time. Thanks, I think?
Bandwagonbo-I would love to hear what you see different in my posts if you can do it without the outside influence of some mods and others. I like your posts here and respect you. Please keep in mind there is more then one way to do things. I just want to know where and if I'm crossing the line?[/QUOTE]

I was trying to give some possible reasons as to why you might have changed here versus over at CBS and thought maybe a personal issue may have come into play. i was spit balling in general and had no idea, just giving one aspect of what could be a problem. I too see the West Coast mods as being a bit controlling at times and coming to the aid of their counterparts. I know they try to be impartial for the most part, but its easy to cross that line sometimes and if I was in their shoes i would cross it too without knowing it. Sometimes we lean towards what we know, which is probably why i am one of the few who is staying in your corner, because i know you from CBS and we always got along fine(and not just because we are Bama at heart).

Personally I dont see that you are doing much different other than maybe carrying the arguments too far and thats just a personal observation. I never get in a personal battle with someone and rarely call anyone names or use derogatory comments or language towards them. This might be one area i could see as a point of emphasis on your part. Dont let it bother you, just smile and reiterate the same point if your right, it pisses them off worse that you wont bite on their bait when their fishing for anger and angry comments. Some on here like to goad people into making comments and them point it out, or try to keep the fight going until someone else points it out. We know who they are and they come from three conferences that i wont name at this time so they get their panties in a bunch thinking I called them out. Honestly I would only temper my words a bit and tail off the long arguments, otherwise I would not change much as you are only doing what most of them do on occasion to Bama and the SEC, they just wont admit it.

Beyond all that..... ROLL TIDE.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Bandwagon, I don't know how the others are viewing your words, but I don't have any problem with you coming to his aid. I honestly didn't think he had any friends up here as I only ever see him involved in drama, but I have admitted that I do not generally read most bama/SEC threads so it was news to see someone stand up for him.

I didn't ask for a mod to exile him, nor have I asked for him to remain here. While I believe he will just go back to being the same old annoying poster if let out of here I wouldn't vote to keep him here if it was put up for such a thing. I'm fully capable of ignoring assholes and jackasses. Did a lot of that on cBS. I mean it is more funny that he is in here, but I really don't care if he is let out or not

Bama brothers stick together...sometimes, as long as they are not teabaggers or tree poisoners:lol:

I personally like BT and have enjoyed some of his posts as he does stick up for his team and the SEC for the most part. We do get beat on alot at Bama and the envy, jealousy drips from some of it, other times its just trollism and ignorance driving it, or hate. At any rate, we get more than our fair share. I will stick up for a brother in need as well as my team as we are Crimson to the core. As for the SEC versus the world, i like to join in those, but I am not what you would call team SEC, just like to twist the knife if I can, but I will stick up for Team SEC also if i feel they are right or have a leg to stand on.

I personally feel we all deserve a second chance and would even welcome Sakau and OD back into the fold if they were to be relegated to this toilet bowl from hell. Last time i stated this i got jumped on by OD, but I sit in defiance with my finger proudly flying towards him again as i post this once again.:finger:

Free BT, Free BT.:lm:


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May 4, 2013
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I read it the first time. Thanks, I think?
Bandwagonbo-I would love to hear what you see different in my posts if you can do it without the outside influence of some mods and others. I like your posts here and respect you. Please keep in mind there is more then one way to do things. I just want to know where and if I'm crossing the line?[/QUOTE]

I was trying to give some possible reasons as to why you might have changed here versus over at CBS and thought maybe a personal issue may have come into play. i was spit balling in general and had no idea, just giving one aspect of what could be a problem. I too see the West Coast mods as being a bit controlling at times and coming to the aid of their counterparts. I know they try to be impartial for the most part, but its easy to cross that line sometimes and if I was in their shoes i would cross it too without knowing it. Sometimes we lean towards what we know, which is probably why i am one of the few who is staying in your corner, because i know you from CBS and we always got along fine(and not just because we are Bama at heart).

Personally I dont see that you are doing much different other than maybe carrying the arguments too far and thats just a personal observation. I never get in a personal battle with someone and rarely call anyone names or use derogatory comments or language towards them. This might be one area i could see as a point of emphasis on your part. Dont let it bother you, just smile and reiterate the same point if your right, it pisses them off worse that you wont bite on their bait when their fishing for anger and angry comments. Some on here like to goad people into making comments and them point it out, or try to keep the fight going until someone else points it out. We know who they are and they come from three conferences that i wont name at this time so they get their panties in a bunch thinking I called them out. Honestly I would only temper my words a bit and tail off the long arguments, otherwise I would not change much as you are only doing what most of them do on occasion to Bama and the SEC, they just wont admit it.

Beyond all that..... ROLL TIDE.

Thanks for the words of wisdom! There are a few people over here that push my buttons more than others and I need to learn to let it go. They are the one's who have built up some kind of immunity with these impartial (cough cough) mods who do have a tough job to do and I truly recognize that. We all could work on ourselves. I still think they try so hard to avoid trolling they are cutting the nose off to spit the face and don't realize it! :noidea:


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 10,977.34
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Bama brothers stick together...sometimes, as long as they are not teabaggers or tree poisoners:lol:

I personally like BT and have enjoyed some of his posts as he does stick up for his team and the SEC for the most part. We do get beat on alot at Bama and the envy, jealousy drips from some of it, other times its just trollism and ignorance driving it, or hate. At any rate, we get more than our fair share. I will stick up for a brother in need as well as my team as we are Crimson to the core. As for the SEC versus the world, i like to join in those, but I am not what you would call team SEC, just like to twist the knife if I can, but I will stick up for Team SEC also if i feel they are right or have a leg to stand on.

I personally feel we all deserve a second chance and would even welcome Sakau and OD back into the fold if they were to be relegated to this toilet bowl from hell. Last time i stated this i got jumped on by OD, but I sit in defiance with my finger proudly flying towards him again as i post this once again.:finger:

Free BT, Free BT.:lm:
Oh I know there are lots of people throwing barbs at bama and their fans. I'm sure you remember me posting in defense of your clan on more than one occasion and probably remember I had a good friend die not long ago who was from the tide nation and was able to meet saban and the team a few months before his death. So when there are bama fans who try to imply I'm against them or creating anti team SEC garbage I don't take too kindly to it.

You don't see my blindly coming to the aid of anyone. I did defend OcD and put in my opinion that he should be freed, but not because he was from a Pac team. It was in spite of the fact he is from Oregon and was just on principle. You can't say you have seen me come to the aid of IB or even mcnabb when those two had time outs. I don't care if you are a husky, if you do dumb things and say things to get in the dawg house you pay your price.

Still kind of hard to come to the defense of a guy up here when we don't know why he was put in here, but still tries to drag others down while in it. I mean if you are looking to get out of solitary in the joint I'm pretty sure flinging shit out of your cell is not going to get you where you want to go.


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May 4, 2013
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Lots of selective reading done by lots of posters! :nod:

Rather Be Fishin'

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Oct 21, 2013
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I like Bama in this one by at least 18 points. Will probably be closer to 24, but let's stick with the obvious.

I reached a few of my contacts over the weekend (they've been very busy this bowl season) and they have confirmed that the smart money is on Bama to cover.


10 inch Member
May 2, 2013
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I got Bama in this one, but not in a bitch slapping. Could they win by 20+? Yes. Does Bama have thhe best team? Yes. Not betting even a v dollar on this on against the spread.


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
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OU was raped by an average Texas team and a very good Baylor team. Here's to Bama raping the ever living shit out of the Land Thieves:

Bama 56

Pooners 14

you might wanna worry about picking duck feathers out of your own ass hole.


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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OU was raped by an average Texas team and a very good Baylor team. Here's to Bama raping the ever living shit out of the Land Thieves:

Bama 56

Pooners 14



Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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This game was way more about what Oklahoma did right, then what Bama did wrong.

I was competely shocked how Oklahoma dominated Bama's offensive line. How Oklahoma abslutely dominated them with their pass game, Oklahoma's run defense (except for the fresh). Offense was unstoppable the entire game.


The Authority

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Anyone see any Bama fans today?


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Anyone see any Bama fans today?

All over the board, cant you post on the main board, thats where we all are and there have been atleast 4 i have seen so far.

The Authority

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All over the board, cant you post on the main board, thats where we all are and there have been atleast 4 i have seen so far.

What about the OP of this Failure of a Thread ?


High Plains Drifter...
Apr 17, 2013
High Plains of My Mind
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Bama fans have been very good, and no surprise.

however, texasexes has been like a fart in the wind and I don't think we'll hear much from that douche for awhile. I think he's out looking for a $2 ho to abuse....:L