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Game Thread: Week 6


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I actually can't believe what I am seeing. Osweiler sucked the whole game, then he's great for two drives, now he's set them up to win this game.

Much like his old boss' modus operandi - Elway.


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Aug 15, 2014
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As a Steeler fan, its nice to see a Seahawks fan saying this...

It was the Steelers who taught the Seahawks that in '05.

1. They can't call them all.
2. Hit the other team in the mouth.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Seattle is unique in it's footprint. It is the most popular team in Washington, Alaska, Idaho, and has a ton of fans in Montana and Oregon. There isn't another team for hundreds and hundreds of miles. It has ALWAYS had a big fan base no matter how they play. And that is a well established fact.

Of course EVERY single team gets more fans when they win. You'd have to be fucking stupid not to agree with that. So congrats on making up total bullshit to make you feel better about the fanbase that drives you crazy because you happen to live in the middle of it.

Get over it.
Was the store out of Snickers? Still angry I see bandwagon boy. I'm asked to disprove the myth that your fanbase tries to sell. I pull up one article by Forbes none the less and you still can't accept it. So who's the stupid one?
I see anger runs rampart around the Clunk.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 10,977.34
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Was the store out of Snickers? Still angry I see bandwagon boy. I'm asked to disprove the myth that your fanbase tries to sell. I pull up one article by Forbes none the less and you still can't accept it. So who's the stupid one?
I see anger runs rampart around the Clunk.
lol, so now I'm "angry" and that supports your claims? :L

Your entire basis of claiming there were no seahawks fans prior to 2012 is how much gear you see out in the public and wonder why people question your ability to think.

First of all, if you want to claim there was a jump on the wagon it would have come in 2005 with their first SB run. That's when the excitement level jumped for the team. We can start there.

Second you do get that when a team does better that even long time fans will be that much more likely to wear gear and have their flags on their cars right? I am as hard of a UW husky fan is there is. I still wore UW stuff in 2009 after we came off a 0-12 season and still had my season tickets, but to suggest I should have been as over the top with it as I am now that they are 6-0 and ranked #5 is just nothing short of stupid. You can't measure a fan base that way. It's 100% fact that if NE had like 5 straight losing seasons you'd see a LOT less gear around town. That's 100% true for every team.

Third you entirely ignore the facts already presented with sell out streaks and merchandising histories.

Forth you can't address the geographical nature of this fan base and how that is different than most other teams. They are the only game in town for hundreds of miles.

You add that up with no other sports team in the region really doing well over the last 20 years and you get a long standing fan base that had no real reason to not still follow their team, even when down.

All of those pesky facts love to get in the way of your delusions don't they? :laugh:

So tell me again how angry I am as your only defense. I mean maybe it will actually work this next time.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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lol, so now I'm "angry" and that supports your claims? :L

Your entire basis of claiming there were no seahawks fans prior to 2012 is how much gear you see out in the public and wonder why people question your ability to think.

First of all, if you want to claim there was a jump on the wagon it would have come in 2005 with their first SB run. That's when the excitement level jumped for the team. We can start there.

Second you do get that when a team does better that even long time fans will be that much more likely to wear gear and have their flags on their cars right? I am as hard of a UW husky fan is there is. I still wore UW stuff in 2009 after we came off a 0-12 season and still had my season tickets, but to suggest I should have been as over the top with it as I am now that they are 6-0 and ranked #5 is just nothing short of stupid. You can't measure a fan base that way. It's 100% fact that if NE had like 5 straight losing seasons you'd see a LOT less gear around town. That's 100% true for every team.

Third you entirely ignore the facts already presented with sell out streaks and merchandising histories.

Forth you can't address the geographical nature of this fan base and how that is different than most other teams. They are the only game in town for hundreds of miles.

You add that up with no other sports team in the region really doing well over the last 20 years and you get a long standing fan base that had no real reason to not still follow their team, even when down.

All of those pesky facts love to get in the way of your delusions don't they? :laugh:

So tell me again how angry I am as your only defense. I mean maybe it will actually work this next time.
No my claim is there are too many morons that overaggerate everything Hawks. A perfect example I stopped reading your drival after you claimed I said there were "NO" Seahawk fans prior to 2012. Easy does it drama queen, now go get tgat Snickers


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 10,977.34
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Was the store out of Snickers? Still angry I see bandwagon boy. I'm asked to disprove the myth that your fanbase tries to sell. I pull up one article by Forbes none the less and you still can't accept it. So who's the stupid one?
I see anger runs rampart around the Clunk.
BTW, next time you want to claim an article as some sort of proof and question someone not responding to it, I'd suggest you actually tag or quote the person you want to see it and not yourself. :L I mean really. :lol:

All I see is a graphic from an unknown point in time showing forbes ranking of home crowd and TV rankings in some unknown criteria. No reference of what year it was, nor how it was measured, and no context at all. And even if you had that, I'm not sure how coming in 9th in their review shows they are a johnny come lately fan base. How on earth does being 9th out of 32 in whatever they were talking about mean they are bandwagon fans?

You really do suck at this man. :lol: But keep on trying. It's at least entertaining watching you fail.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 10,977.34
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No my claim is there are too many morons that overaggerate everything Hawks. A perfect example I stopped reading your drival after you claimed I said there were "NO" Seahawk fans prior to 2012. Easy does it drama queen, now go get tgat Snickers
Exactly what I thought. The whole "didn't read" defense because you can't argue the facts and then back to the "you are angry" thing. That's all you got isn't it? :laugh:

How can anyone take you seriously?


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 10,977.34
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No my claim is there are too many morons that overaggerate everything Hawks. A perfect example I stopped reading your drival after you claimed I said there were "NO" Seahawk fans prior to 2012. Easy does it drama queen, now go get tgat Snickers
So you call people morons and drama queens and yet claim others are angry? :pound: Reading your drivel suggests you are the one taking this way too seriously.

If all these hawk fans around town bother you so much why not move back to a more NE friendly area? I mean if I moved to say Dallas or something I'd probably not get a case of the red ass over all the Cowboys gear around town and all the talk about that team in the local media.

Who's the angry one?



Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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BTW, next time you want to claim an article as some sort of proof and question someone not responding to it, I'd suggest you actually tag or quote the person you want to see it and not yourself. :L I mean really. :lol:

All I see is a graphic from an unknown point in time showing forbes ranking of home crowd and TV rankings in some unknown criteria. No reference of what year it was, nor how it was measured, and no context at all. And even if you had that, I'm not sure how coming in 9th in their review shows they are a johnny come lately fan base. How on earth does being 9th out of 32 in whatever they were talking about mean they are bandwagon fans?

You really do suck at this man. :lol: But keep on trying. It's at least entertaining watching you fail.
This had much more correlation than the link I was responding to. 9th includes tv viewership. Your fanbase ranked 12th. The timeline isn't relevant as I was challenged with picking any period of time. I could go all the way back to the Bering days since that was part of the argument.
OBTW you're still angry just like Sherman and Pete. Maybe it's been all the rain? You won. Man I'm not looking forward to when your team loses on a controversial call. Actually it won't be much different, just use a different spin cycle. You're good at tha.

DJ Fieri

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Jun 26, 2014
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Hoopla Cash
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Looks like Osweiler found his mojo last night....still think he's bad.

DJ Fieri

Generic line for rent here
Supporting Member Level 3
Jun 26, 2014
Still stuck here in Nashville
Hoopla Cash
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I went out last night and missed the final quarter and OT.....thought Indy had that the game in the bag.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 10,977.34
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This had much more correlation than the link I was responding to. 9th includes tv viewership. Your fanbase ranked 12th. The timeline isn't relevant as I was challenged with picking any period of time. I could go all the way back to the Bering days since that was part of the argument.
OBTW you're still angry just like Sherman and Pete. Maybe it's been all the rain? You won. Man I'm not looking forward to when your team loses on a controversial call. Actually it won't be much different, just use a different spin cycle. You're good at tha.
More 'you are angry' as a claim? :L I mean that hasn't worked so far and yet you are going to keep doubling down on that. Amazing. Do keep it up though because it clearly shows I'm winning. And I always enjoy that.

So context doesn't matter. Just putting up any old number from some unknown time period shows you have a bandwagon fan base. That's all you got.

It appears that was from 2014. So AFTER the time you claim we invented being Seahawks fans some arbitrary Forbes article (and who doesn't go to forbes as their main sports related rankings site?) says we are the overall 9th 'best' fan base. You would have to show the same type of article BEFORE your time frame and say they were like 30th in the league to even start that conversation.

And you appear to not be able to read your own shit because it doesn't say they were 12th, they were 9th. It says they were 12th in home crowd and doesn't qualify what that means. Is that attendance? I mean what exactly were they measuring? And 4th overall in TV isn't too shabby. I have zero problems with whatever they were saying. Rank us 9th overall. I just don't get their context. Look at the Steelers which are 3rd in both and yet only tied for 7th on that list with Dallas which were 15th and 13th in home fans/TV. How can you take that seriously with no context?