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Watch out for the Carolina Panthers


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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When fans of the other 31 teams noticed the same exact thing about some of the Seahawks fans on here, you guys need to look in the mirror because some Seahawks fans are actually the issue. But instead if a person dare say something negative about Seattle you're immediately called a hater as kaep just proved
And Seahawk fans have heard from fans of the other 31 teams that whose panties aren't chaffed saying that our team walked the walk and we have earned the right to talk the talk. Enjoy it while on top, and we do.
Fan since `78. STH since `87.
Buncha pussies whining. I love it.
btw bks, I think you whine more than any other. Just my observation.


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When fans of the other 31 teams noticed the same exact thing about some of the Seahawks fans on here, you guys need to look in the mirror because some Seahawks fans are actually the issue. But instead if a person dare say something negative about Seattle you're immediately called a hater as kaep just proved


Remember when you jumped all over HD's post about it being weird that people were saying that no one could beat Seattle at home, claiming that if you said Seattle wasn't invincible at home Seahawk fans would call you a hater? Remember when the poster HD quoted was a Niner fan?

That was fun.

But no, you are completely innocent in all this. Poor, poor bks. It must be hard to be you. So misunderstood.


Abnormally Average
Jul 3, 2013
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I feel so ashamed! I always though people would respect me and love me for being a Seahawks fan. I had no idea we hurt so many of the other teams fans. Can't we just be friends? How about we start by saying something nice about other teams? I still like Drew Brees, he is still one of the better quarterbacks in spite of the Saints being the suckiest sucks that ever sucked.('Homer Simpson) great thinker of our time. I still believe in Can Newton. He is an exciting player.

I apologize if my post was boring. I live in Seattle and we all battle major depression here. Its cold, wet and shitty and polar bears regular shit on my lawn.
Nice start Geezer - Thank you

Russell Wilson seems like a class act and by looking at your Avi - you got nice hair


Most Popular Member
Apr 16, 2013
New York, NY
Hoopla Cash
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I feel so ashamed! I always though people would respect me and love me for being a Seahawks fan. I had no idea we hurt so many of the other teams fans. Can't we just be friends? How about we start by saying something nice about other teams? I still like Drew Brees, he is still one of the better quarterbacks in spite of the Saints being the suckiest sucks that ever sucked.('Homer Simpson) great thinker of our time. I still believe in Can Newton. He is an exciting player.

I apologize if my post was boring. I live in Seattle and we all battle major depression here. Its cold, wet and shitty and polar bears regular shit on my lawn.

I like Russell Wilson...we share the same birthday


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2013
3rd stone from the sun
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Nice start Geezer - Thank you

Russell Wilson seems like a class act and by looking at your Avi - you got nice hair

That is Isaac Newton, I am losing my hair but gaining some serious eating muscle. A local comedian said if Russell Wilson runs a red light, the cop gets a ticket. That's pretty much how Seattle feels about him.


Trolling 45, it's EASY.
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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He can't. When pressed he admits it isn't all Seattle fans and that none have actually said what he puts in their mouths. He actually admitted that it was just his impression. Yet he still keeps doing it. Over and over. Post after post. Thread after thread. He just CAN'T get off our asses. Amazing to have someone this preoccupied by all things Seattle. It really is.

I'm waiting to see if bsk will answer my question directly. A yes or a no.
That's all, is he ready to move past this and move on, Yes or No?
Just answer the question bsk.

Used 2 B Hu

Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I'm sure most have realized I don't troll up here nearly as bad as I did before becoming a mod. If anything I'm far less likely to be a 'dick' these days. Has kind of taken some of the fun out of it really.

So to recap this thread: never become a mod.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Yeah, didn't it?

Just like you said Bks, I made one post using the word 'Seahawks' without using the words 'totally awesomely outrageous,' and Duncekaep resorted to the "you = hater."

DK, nobody "pisses on your enjoyment" without you allowing them to. Seattle is a terrific team and I expect them to repeat as NFC champs at the very least, but y'all still seem to me to be a very thin-skinned lot. Just tell people to go fuck themselves and wave your Richard Sherman gifs in their faces, man!

I hear you. It's easy to tell everyone to fuck off, but that isn't the style that most Seahawk fans utilize. I would say most of us prefer to debate these issues. It fits with our letting folks cut into traffic, and waiting for the crosswalk light to give permission to cross the street attitude.
Besides, in a debate of NFL teams it is advantageous to be a Seahawk fan. It has never been that way before and I think all of us will trade being liked for being hated in this regard.
Go Seahawks.


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Apr 16, 2013
New York, NY
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Seattle IS the target, I get it.

I've said before I think Seattle can be beat, and you CAN say all the negative things you want.

Are you ready to move past this, by this I mean the bolded statement above? You mention this constantly.

Just answer the question...... Are you ready to move past this or not?:yahoo:


Banned 10x

aka Raindrop
Apr 26, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I feel so ashamed! I always though people would respect me and love me for being a Seahawks fan. I had no idea we hurt so many of the other teams fans. Can't we just be friends? How about we start by saying something nice about other teams? I still like Drew Brees, he is still one of the better quarterbacks in spite of the Saints being the suckiest sucks that ever sucked.('Homer Simpson) great thinker of our time. I still believe in Can Newton. He is an exciting player.

I apologize if my post was boring. I live in Seattle and we all battle major depression here. Its cold, wet and shitty and polar bears regular shit on my lawn.

Very good geezer, very good. Remember, The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.

You're making strides and being a better Seahawk fan. I'm proud of you.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2013
3rd stone from the sun
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Yippee! Now we can talk about Cardinals an Panthers. Today on espeon they had an analist, say the Cards and Stealers were over rated. Of course he never played peewee football. I figure that kind of disrespect is worth about 4-6 points for the dissed team. Do you say a team is over rated, or do you say they just keep finding ways to win? That's the Cards, they just find ways to get it done more often than not.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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So to recap this thread: never become a mod.
I'm sure it's kind of obvious, but there really is no upside to it. You are using some of your time to help out the overall site and in return all you get is flack from the other posters. Then you end up feeling obligated to not be free to post as you otherwise would.
Awesome. Good time of year to talk about real football related things. Leave the drama about fans for the long off season. Seems to be most of what's up here after the SB.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
$ 31.28
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The Rams took out the 2 best Cardinal QBs so yeah anything can happen. I guess I should have found out that Carolina was playing AZ before I said one and done..

I was unplugged.. Been gone for a week or so.

Anything can happen in the Carolina AZ game. But if I had to bet, I would take that AZ defense over the sub .500 panthers.

And yeah Wiz can get pretty knarly on here... but it's more fun to talk football than to argue with old guys that need some pussy. :)


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The Rams took out the 2 best Cardinal QBs so yeah anything can happen. I guess I should have found out that Carolina was playing AZ before I said one and done..

I was unplugged.. Been gone for a week or so.

Anything can happen in the Carolina AZ game. But if I had to bet, I would take that AZ defense over the sub .500 panthers.

And yeah Wiz can get pretty knarly on here... but it's more fun to talk football than to argue with old guys that need some pussy. :)

Sorry, but men of all ages need pussy...unless, you know, they would prefer to hang with Michael Sam. To each his own. Either MS type or pussy forever.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
$ 31.28
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LOL Uhsplit. Yes we all need pussy! I was just referring to Wiz. I gave him shit about needing some pussy awhile back, but it sounds like the SportsHoopla just has him overwhelmed.


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Jul 9, 2013
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I'm not even talking about their offense. What I'm seeing from their defense is a defense that can give any offensive team a challenge which means they'll be in football games

The front 7 woke up in the last 4 or 5 games...the back 4 is still not great imo, and the OFC can get stagnant if Cam is not running and keeping them in 3rd and short.

I like them vs AZ this week...after that...I don't like them much on the road, but I give them a punchers chance because of the DEF


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Apr 16, 2013
New York, NY
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How many games were they supposed to win?

Show me one post where I had them beating Seattle.

As I said on another thread, find me the one post where I actually predicted a Panthers win over the Seahawks and I won't post on this board until September 2015:lame: