For me it was a life ender basically when we broke up........because her and I had worked for 3 straight years lining things up for the rest of our lives.
She had 1 foot in the door on millions of dollars worth of land that she could possibly inherit.........and I helped her to get through that door.
We were set financially for the rest of our lives. Had a Roth IRA plan set up through her that was going to set us up for life as well. I helped her set all of that stuff up believing that we were getting married.
For one thing, I've drank myself to the point where I need alcohol to function practically. That is my main problem. I need to get back to where I just drink for fun.......instead of drinking every day to feel normal.
Don't ever get to that point, irule. Drink a few times a week en sech.........don't get drunk every single night. You'll start to feel like you need to drink to do anything at all.
Wow guys......we're doomin' and gloomin' up in the joint tonight.....we need to be more positive and shit......we be skeering the younger Huskers en sech......
I have a nice house (with new hardwood floors that are bad ass) and a sweet job(even though the fuckers cut us lowly hourly folks off from the internet)....
I am a crabass at work right now every day, because I feel tired and shit.........and it's because I'm used to having alcohol in me. Then I come home and start drinking and I get happy.
Not a good sicheation ta be in sir........just make sure you don't let that happen.