Gun Control,,,,not likely
net you gone,,,,,,,,,,,,,,net,,,,,,,,net
Damn Ghost, just realized my av change to Lambert kinda infringes on your profile. I need to change that. Need to look at Webster or maybe Ham.
Holy crap it's hott. 102 here. I just saw about 30 flies rolling a dog turd under a shade tree.
Dude, its 102 INSIDE the building! That ain't hot!
Hot in here hot in here
Hate my job, my boss is queer
Hot in here hot in here
sport as a young child
ms lol
didn't mean to tic ole net off last night,,,just get tired of his ,,,how smart he is shit,,,,,
I will be back with an update on the neighbor
ms lol
who does this remind everyone of
having a bad day net,,,,,,