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Super Bowl favorite?


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2013
St. Louis
Hoopla Cash
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I know this is too early in the season to be serious but after colts loss to the rams and near loss to the titans it got me thinking: Is there a team that looks real solid, good enough to get to the SB?

In the NFC, you have teams like the seahawks and 49ers that were thought of as favorites earlier but their offenses have not been as great as they were last year. I can still see the seahawks making a push and the saints have been pretty balanced this year. Outside of those two I am not so sure. 49ers need more offense, the AFC north teams do not seem consistent enough so I am not sure what to make of them. If I had to pick right now I would go with the saints.

In the AFC, I think the chiefs and broncos are the most consistent. The colts seems to be a rudderless ship now. Their defense has got to be a concern. I think the patriots will get back to the patriots of old with Gronk. We will see how well they do going on. I don't see the chiefs having the offensive firepower to go deep. The broncos still have questions in pass protection and turnovers. I think it may come down to the broncos, patriots, and colts (if they get back to the seahawks/broncos beating colts).

It seems like this season is much harder to predict. In years past, you could guess 3-4 teams with great confidence that will go deep but this season seems very even.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 9,000.00
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I would say a big part of that is the up and down emotional rollercoaster that the media puts us on every week. When the season started the Broncos couldn't be beat then the Dallas game came into play and everybody kept thinking our defense was trash but ignoring the fact that a majority of our starters were injured. Then came the Indy game where Peyton got beat up and people wondering about the Broncos pass protection even though they have been one of the best in the NFL this year even with 3 back ups starting most of the season.

The same can be said about the Patriots in they have had tons of injuries and young players being brought in that has taken some time to gel. They now have most of them back and their offense is starting to look better (defensive injuries have started hurting though losing Mayo and Wilfork).

To me those 2 teams are the top teams in the AFC even if they lose a couple down the final stretch of this season. Only one team in the last what 45 years of the NFL has actually finished with a perfect season so every team loses a few even the good ones.

On the NFC side to me the Seahawks and Saints are the two that have looked the best to me. The Seahawks have been a little banged up on the OL which is why they have struggled some on offense. New Orleans is still a little inconsistent but I think it is taking them some time to get back to Payton coaching the team. I would say the Wildcard team in the NFC is Carolina. They took Seattle to the very brink of losing and should have beat them. They just beat San Fran in San Fran and just seem to have that defense and run game that will do well even on the road in the playoffs.

Obviously any team can get hot come playoff time and win it all but my guess is one of those 5 teams will be our Superbowl Champion this year.