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Pretty Interesting Artcile on our Screen Play


Mr. Manager
Sep 8, 2011
Seattle, WA
Hoopla Cash
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I was just reading that. Personally over the last few years I've called for more screens, because Danny, Jarrett, and DJ could all block. I only agree with this article since our receivers this year are so terrible at blocking


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Feb 6, 2012
Hoopla Cash
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I don't know if I can criticize this a whole lot except for using it so much against Clemson the last 2 years even when it's been defended well. If the interior line blocking is bad and the TE blocking is bad I guess you have to try SOMEthing else. Problem is that the WR blocking has been bad this year too. Newsome is a cancer. Most of the problems are on him. I don't blame him though because he didn't force anyone to hire him. Is the weak TE play because of talent or poor coaching from Stinespring? Does Stinespring have too much on his plate trying to design an offense AND coach a position? I think it's clear by now that he was never qualified to OC anyway so it's a definite possibility. I would like to see an analysis of the stats in these 2 areas over recent years: 1) Pass plays to the middle of the field in the LB area. Percentage of plays where routes were run into that area and attempted passes in that area. 2) Yards gained by RBs between the tackles vs. outside the tackles

I can understand how Tyrod would have trouble using the middle of the field because he was so short, but LT? The breakdown of inside vs outside rushing yardage would probably show what I and many already know (not Beamer though) ... the O-line run blocking has sucked and depends on elite athletes winning matchups in space


Jun 2, 2011
Royal Oak, Michigan
Hoopla Cash
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WR screens are fine as long as you have WRs that can block. One thing I can't understand is why we have a formation we only throw screens to. It boggles my mind. We almost never have a receiver 5 yards back (sometimes we mix it up and motion a back out) and when we do we a call a screen. Yeah the defense really won't see that one coming.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Haven't read it yet (though I will since TKP is awesome) so I may repeat what was said in the piece. I think a large problem with our screen game is there is little to no variation in them. It's the exact same play in the same set. I think once or twice I've seen LT fake the screen and run straight but that's it. And I don't think I've ever seen them fake the screen and bomb it to a blocker who sneaks out on a go route.

Also, I think we should run more HB screens. I thought Wilson would have been perfect for it last year but we hardly ever did it. JC could fit that roll as well.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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We suck major balls when we have tried HB screens.

Do we run enough to know for sure or is it one of these situations where it goes badly once, O'Cain gets scared and never uses it again? Regardless, it should be used more considering it utilizes a strength the program has always had, talented RBs. Find ways to get the ball into the hands of your playmakers


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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What I want is more of a wheel route to JC. I'm not sure if this is the same thing as a HB screen.

It's not. On a wheel route, the HB goes out of the backfield on a long sweeping motion headed up field. The route itself looks like a quarter of a circle (I guess its called a wheel since its sort of round). The idea is the WRs are running routes as diversion to clear out space for the incoming wheel route. It looks like a normal pass play and should work well if no defensive player picks up on the RB.

HB screens vary by design but most include multiple linemen leaking out upon the snap to form a wall for the RB to run behind. Since they're leaking out, the defensive rush goes past them headed to the QB because they're caught off guard by the OL not blocking them. The QB then lofts a pass over the oncoming rushers to a wide open RB with multiple blockers in front of him (if executed correctly)

Both plays would be welcome though.


Mr. Manager
Sep 8, 2011
Seattle, WA
Hoopla Cash
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It's not. On a wheel route, the HB goes out of the backfield on a long sweeping motion headed up field. The route itself looks like a quarter of a circle (I guess its called a wheel since its sort of round). The idea is the WRs are running routes as diversion to clear out space for the incoming wheel route. It looks like a normal pass play and should work well if no defensive player picks up on the RB.

HB screens vary by design but most include multiple linemen leaking out upon the snap to form a wall for the RB to run behind. Since they're leaking out, the defensive rush goes past them headed to the QB because they're caught off guard by the OL not blocking them. The QB then lofts a pass over the oncoming rushers to a wide open RB with multiple blockers in front of him (if executed correctly)

Both plays would be welcome though.

Right that's sort of what I thought. The idea of LT having to loft the ball over some DEs crashing in makes me cringe though


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Right that's sort of what I thought. The idea of LT having to loft the ball over some DEs crashing in makes me cringe though

LOL, yep. That might be what Croc was referring to because I remember in the UNC game we ran a HB screen and LT missed JC by a couple of feet. It wouldn't have mattered though because Wang had comically missed his block and JC was gonna get lit up if he caught it.


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Apr 26, 2012
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I took the data in that article and added a column for whether or not the play was "successful". I.e., pick up at least 1/3 of the yardage to go on 1st down, at least 1/2 on 2nd down, or yields a 1st down if it's 3rd. The results, when totaled, are not pretty. Overall, we ran 15 successful screen plays compared to 24 unsuccessful plays. In ACC play, we ran 6 successful plays compared to 18 unsuccessful plays. Those are not good percentages... And the unsuccessful plays were often VERY unsuccessful.


Jun 2, 2011
Royal Oak, Michigan
Hoopla Cash
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I took the data in that article and added a column for whether or not the play was "successful". I.e., pick up at least 1/3 of the yardage to go on 1st down, at least 1/2 on 2nd down, or yields a 1st down if it's 3rd. The results, when totaled, are not pretty. Overall, we ran 15 successful screen plays compared to 24 unsuccessful plays. In ACC play, we ran 6 successful plays compared to 18 unsuccessful plays. Those are not good percentages... And the unsuccessful plays were often VERY unsuccessful.
I wonder how it would look if we added a column for Corey Fuller (or any other receiver) horribly missing a block, a column for Logan Thomas throws the screen inaccurately and a column for WR drops the catch.


Active Member
Apr 26, 2012
Hoopla Cash
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I wonder how it would look if we added a column for Corey Fuller (or any other receiver) horribly missing a block, a column for Logan Thomas throws the screen inaccurately and a column for WR drops the catch.

drops and incompletions were marked, and there were only 2 of each, so I guess those factors haven't been as frequent as we think. Bad blocking, however...