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Past few games


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Jun 22, 2010
Newtown Square, PA
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I'm not really sure if I'm the only one seeing a few things so I wanted to get some feedback.

1. Bryz is giving up an excess of "easy" goals. He seems to have a huge problem communicating with his d-man as o what they are supposed to do. I don't see how hard it is to sit down with his defensive group and tell them that their only job should be to clear the net on rebounds and not leave a guy wide open to the side of the net. He also needs to be a lot better on positioning the first goal tonight was due to him not hugging the post.

2. The G line has been amazing. Giroux is a fucking magician with the puck, Jagr is creating tons of space for G to move around & Hartnell is starting to look like a legitimate 1st line winger cause he's been so good in the dirty areas.

3. Read and Vorachek look like they're both going to break out lately. I can't think of a game or even a shift they've hit the ice where they haven't looked impressive.

4. The defense is killing me lately, 1 game they look like they've stepped up the next they leave guys wide open. I'd have to say Timonen and Mez have played really well lately, Bourdon has held his own and provided some grit, Carle and Coburn need to step it up in my eyes. Lilja is just worthless... As a team they need to work on their coverage and clearing the porch.

5. Briere needs to start doing something productive on the ice. He's been a turnover machine lately and he just cruises around in the defensive zone watching the puck. If he isn't going to play he needs to visit the press box for a few games to gain some motivation.

6. If JVR is hurt he needs to be sat or undergo surgery. He hasn't looked great lately and tonight I did notice his stride seemed to be off, if this is really the reason that he has not developed this season the team needs to shut him down even if he objects.

7. Simmonds, Rinaldo, Couturier, Talbot & Harry Z have been more then I think any of us could have hoped for and have really helped stabilize this team.

8. Either the PP lines or overall strategy aren't working. Giroux can't be out there for every PP creating chances all over the place, we need to find another combination that is capable of gaining the offensive zone and then generating some sustained pressure.

I'm sure I'm missing some stuff, but I just needed to vent.


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this is a good post. i really dont have anything to add.


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Jun 20, 2010
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Very frustrating game as they dominated them for the most part and the bolts just come down the ice and score on the few chances they had. Ah fuck it that team just gets the breaks and have their number....nothing left to be said.


Pickles will Prevail
May 15, 2010
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9. Schenn has now played in 1 game in a row. Let's keep that streak going. Only got in upwards of 9 minutes, but he definitely does not look like he lost a step condition wise. Hopefully he can work his way off the 4th line soon enough and get clicking with some line mates that can score.


Flyers Fan
May 16, 2010
Hainesport, New Jersey
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My hope is Schenn records a point this season, or at least goes one game without being a minus player.
Oh, and Bryz stops playing like ass.


Game fucking on!!
Apr 20, 2010
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Yeah Briere. Absolutely love the guy in the playoffs, but I have to admit it, he's been total garbage all year. Yes...blah blah blah...he has some points, but after watching him cruise around doing next to nothing in the D zone and puck hogging it in the O zone...I think it's time for him and JvR to rotate on the same chair in the press box for a game or two to get their "heads straight". Hell, they could even use the league patented "concussion like symptoms" excuse.

JvR. Correct me if I'm wrong brothers, but if remember correctly, didn't Lavy bench him last year for much less??


Game fucking on!!
Apr 20, 2010
Bucks County, Pa.
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9. Schenn has now played in 1 game in a row. Let's keep that streak going. Only got in upwards of 9 minutes, but he definitely does not look like he lost a step condition wise. Hopefully he can work his way off the 4th line soon enough and get clicking with some line mates that can score.



Peace & Love, Peace & Luv
May 16, 2010
Southern NJ
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Jvr is hurt. I think it is his hip. Trying to play through it. I don't think that plan is working. :crutch:


Game fucking on!!
Apr 20, 2010
Bucks County, Pa.
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Aside from a minor twisted/sprained ankle or minor muscle pull, I can't think of any other injury that will actually get better by using it more.

Like we've all said already....just shut him down now while the season isn't even at the mid-way point.


Lets do this!
Jun 28, 2010
Staten Island NY
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This is an excellent post except for number 6. Looks like JVR has been hurt for 3 years now and shows no signs of healing up.


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Yep. The flyers have plenty of guys that can fill in for a bit while jvr heals.


Peace & Love, Peace & Luv
May 16, 2010
Southern NJ
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Aside from a minor twisted/sprained ankle or minor muscle pull, I can't think of any other injury that will actually get better by using it more.

Like we've all said already....just shut him down now while the season isn't even at the mid-way point.

I would agree as he will probably need surgery. The injury is very simular to what many other players have. I have no idea what he is doing but he does not look very good.


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Jun 22, 2010
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Yeah Briere. Absolutely love the guy in the playoffs, but I have to admit it, he's been total garbage all year. Yes...blah blah blah...he has some points, but after watching him cruise around doing next to nothing in the D zone and puck hogging it in the O zone...I think it's time for him and JvR to rotate on the same chair in the press box for a game or two to get their "heads straight". Hell, they could even use the league patented "concussion like symptoms" excuse.

JvR. Correct me if I'm wrong brothers, but if remember correctly, didn't Lavy bench him last year for much less??

JVR was benched at the start of last year for an injury and then at the end for uninspired play and when he came back was the beginning of his dominant stretch toward the ends of the season into the playoffs. I still think JVR is hurt and agree with everyone who feels he needs to be shut down.

Thanks Tox for the backup on Briere's recent play. I really think his ass has to moved to the wing now or they ned to consider trading him. Our offense is based on puck possession and cycling, lately he's wanted to be a 1 man show with the puck and his passing has been atrocious. I'm not saying he isn't talented or that he couldn't help the team, but it seems that either his head isn't in it or he feels likes he's above the system that is in place(which is ridiculous if that's the case). We really need 4 lines that forecheck and pressure the puck in the offensive zone and then back check and play their coverage in the defensive zone. If any player isn't willing to do that then they don't need to be here.

On the Schenn front it was good to see him play and from the limited time on ice he looked healthy, I can't say good since that line gave up 2 even strength goals. I think Lavy will not over work him the first few games back, which is probably a good thing since no matter how good of shape you are in the real games are a different speed then practice.

Aslo with Bob starting Thursday I'm hoping to se him start to get some more playing time, he's been the more solid of the 2 this season and he proved last year that he can win games. We got Bryz to make those "wow" saves and he hasn't and I personally have never understood the goalie with the bigger contract being the automatic #1. I do blame a lot of the goals this season on the defense and Bryz not being on the same page. Then again Phoenix was built from Bryz out, the Flyers seems to be built from the forwards back so that may have something to do with it.

This whole situation just blows my mind, that at this point in the season we are having these types of break downs still, this is like some first 10 games bullshit.


Peace & Love, Peace & Luv
May 16, 2010
Southern NJ
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9. Schenn has now played in 1 game in a row. Let's keep that streak going. Only got in upwards of 9 minutes, but he definitely does not look like he lost a step condition wise. Hopefully he can work his way off the 4th line soon enough and get clicking with some line mates that can score.

He is so unlucky its killing me. Another -2. Defelction off of him for the 1st goal. Once he scores, I think he could start to put some points together but for now he looks lost. Maybe play him between Jvr and Read. They really need a spark and that line would be ultra fast.


Peace & Love, Peace & Luv
May 16, 2010
Southern NJ
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I would love to see if BOB could put together some good games. As I said in preseason, he looked like someone really worked on his positioning. He was very square to the puck. Maybe if he plays well it will light a fire under Bryzs' ass. He is a really good goalie. He needs to start playing like it.