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Over reactionary?????


Speed Kills
May 16, 2013
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I'm not picking a fight here but there has been a question that I wanted to ask for a while, this goes back to the last year or so on CBS. Why so over reactionary to every single play? Is it the media driven instant gratification society we live in with the ESPN's of the world ranking of everything from best nose pick to the best end of game handshake? In reading some of the game threads over the past couple of seasons it's been we suck, cut that guy, Fox is a terrible coach ETC ETC, and that's in the middle of the game. I know it's not every poster but it seems like it's most of the game day threads. These guys are all pro football players even the guys on the other side. You're not going to win every battle, every possession, every quarter and not every game. The Broncos are far from embarrassing or suck. I'm not trying to say, don't post what you want, but personally I can't see how it's fun watching a game that way. To me this has a feeling of our Super Bowl seasons. Heck fellas, we're 7-1 and it's no fluke.

I'm not suggesting that we don't bring up problems and everything is great because we wear orange. I did get on the pass D a few weeks ago but that was built over the first quarter of the year. I also said that I thought they would get a lot better when they got healthy. They have given up almost half the passing yards in the last two weeks as the first 6. Were blessed to have a truly great offense and maybe a great team. I guess I'm just a bit curious as to why it seems hard for some to enjoy the season and watch it unfold. As I said I'm not trying to start a fight, just curious.


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Sep 16, 2013
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I might be guilty. I shouldn't post during games. The bottom line is I do appreciate that the opponents have a say in the outcome as well, but that doesn't make it any less frustrating to watch as one of their guys gets the better of one of ours. I don't think I'm TOO bad, but I definitely post with a lot more emotion during games than after.


Speed Kills
May 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I agree with that IKF and I think that's a very valid point. I get frustrated when things aren't going well too but a part of my post was just the disdain from some towards Denver's players when they make a mistake. Even established, proven players feel the wrath from some Bronco fans.


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Sep 16, 2013
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I don't think I'm that bad, though I may have used Vickerson's name as a curse word after his 15 yarder yesterday.


Speed Kills
May 16, 2013
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I may have said a couple of unflattering words after the play concerning Vickerson myself. Lol

Barrelman Fan

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Jul 26, 2013
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I stand by what I said, although Fox finally broke the mold.

We have a questionable defense and the best offense in the league. Playing it conservative in situations that we have in the past couple of weeks shouldn't be an option. It hurt us against Baltimore, it hurt us against Indy, and it will continue to hurt us against good teams.

I think airing frustration during the game is fine. It's great we can get away with 4 turnovers against Washington and still blow them out. But having 4 turnovers at all is unacceptable for this offense. That won't fly against Kansas City, Cincinnati, New England, possibly even San Diego.

It's not high expectations, it's reality. Look at the average yards per passing attempt, rush, reception, and there's absolutely no reason we should be going three-and-out.


Apr 17, 2013
Appleton, Wisconsin
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I agree there are times that I say things bad to quickly but i expect better play at times and less stupidity by some of the players like Mannings interceptions, Vickersons stupidity, blown coverages. Its just frustrating at times seeing the same mistakes that were made in the Ravens playoff game. I do also remember its only a game and entertainment. Like Ive said before the talent is there to win it all and anything less isnt acceptable. Manning isnt going to be around forever and since Elway retired the Broncos havent been to a Super Bowl. Its time to win one now because the window is closing on some players like Manning, Champ, and contracts that will be up with some guys. 7-1 is a very good at the half way point and I still expect Denver to win the division. Go broncos!!


Apr 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I completely agree, I am starting to get sick of some of the fans booing in the stadium when we are not blowing teams out. We were a bit spoiled earlier on and I think people started to expect blowouts, this is the NFL you can't blow out every team every week. The booing at the end of the half against the Jags when we were up was an embarrassment to the fans and city...


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Jul 17, 2013
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Perfection is never going to happen. 25 guys (11 offense, 11 defense, 3 special teams) playing perfect for a full game just isn't going to happen. People need to remember the 1st half really is the Broncos just feeling out how the defense and offense are going to try and attack them. Peyton and the coaches have all talked about how the 2nd half adjustments are what is important and we have seen that in being the best 2nd half team in football. Throw in remember the Broncos are playing for January and February not week 8 of the season. My guess is they are trying to mix in some things now and just see how they do and see if they would work on teams come playoff time.

Now I agree there are times the game is very frustrating and it is hard to watch a team we know is so good struggle at times. That is part of football though and every team has those times during a game every week where they just can't quite get things going. My guess is the Broncos coaching staff will work hard to figure out how to beat the press man on offense (looked like they had it figured out pretty well in that 2nd half stacking receivers, motioning them to be able to move, and running cross patterns to help out) and with the chance for these guys to actually heal up you will see this offense click once again. Peyton obviously with the hurt ankle struggled on a few of his passes and missed a few that he didn't at the beginning of the year and I think he has tried to force a few throws that he wasn't at the beginning of the year. I think the down time will give him a chance to see that and work to be patient once again and take what the defense gives him and then take a few shots here and there.


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Jul 22, 2013
Somewhere out West....
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That and sometimes you just have games where both teams are sloppy. I mean, what are the odds of recording 6-7 turnovers in a single quarter of play? Just go with the flow.... go with the flow.


Troll Boy Extraordinaire
May 1, 2013
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I completely agree, I am starting to get sick of some of the fans booing in the stadium when we are not blowing teams out. We were a bit spoiled earlier on and I think people started to expect blowouts, this is the NFL you can't blow out every team every week. The booing at the end of the half against the Jags when we were up was an embarrassment to the fans and city...

This is an excellent point. We've become way too spoiled as fans way too quickly. We're only 3 seasons removed from 4-12 and fans are booing at halftime of games the Broncos aren't even losing! That's pathetic.

I think there are a lot of fans that just expect perfection every single play. It's stupid. This team is 7-1 and undefeated at home, no way should they be hearing boos.


Troll Boy Extraordinaire
May 1, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Vickerson shouldnt be booed for his stupidity 2 weeks in a row?

Hard to single out just one guy when you boo, it usually just rains down on the entire team. But good point about Vickerson, his actions the past two games have been inexcusable and he's the only person on the team I think deserves to be called embarrassing.


Speed Kills
May 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Good points by all. You're right Miked, there were boos in both of the last home games concerning the Broncos performance, and was pathetic. The score to those two games; 80-40! Let me say that again; E-I-G-H-T-Y TO F-O-U-R-T-Y! Yes, they weren't playing well at points of the game but come on. I get the frustration when they aren't playing well but booing a 7-1 team, calling Bronco players names, calling for players to get cut and killing Fox seems a bit much to me. To each their own but I don't get how that can be any fun. I say enjoy the ride, this kind of season doesn't come along to often.....


Speed Kills
May 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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That said I totally agree if anyone was to say, quit fumbling the friken ball, be more consistent in pass D, get better on the O-Line. All in on that.....


May 1, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Do we have some flaws?

Yes. Putting the ball on the ground too often. That can be fixed.

Manning's INT's were hopefully an anomaly against the Redskins.

Defense played much better as a lot of us suspected they would when Wood and Von were back in the lineup.

Vickerson needs to keep his head straight as well.

All things that are simply human error or missing key players, not a lack of talent or bad coaching.

But I agree with HOF-Elway-7. The constant whining in game threads and calls for players to be benched or cut is ludicrous.

If your expectation is to be perfect a tall times and the offense to never go 3 and out blow out every opponent and the defense to hold them to 3 FG attempts per game then you need to go play Madden and use cheat codes because your expectations for the Broncos are unrealistic.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Do we have some flaws?

Yes. Putting the ball on the ground too often. That can be fixed.

Manning's INT's were hopefully an anomaly against the Redskins.

Defense played much better as a lot of us suspected they would when Wood and Von were back in the lineup.

Vickerson needs to keep his head straight as well.

All things that are simply human error or missing key players, not a lack of talent or bad coaching.

But I agree with HOF-Elway-7. The constant whining in game threads and calls for players to be benched or cut is ludicrous.

If your expectation is to be perfect a tall times and the offense to never go 3 and out blow out every opponent and the defense to hold them to 3 FG attempts per game then you need to go play Madden and use cheat codes because your expectations for the Broncos are unrealistic.

Perhaps the next offender should be required to change his name to MasterAgain.:laugh3: