Yeah lets hope not but it won't take much for it to come about. Right now the Euro leagues need the extra income to be able to operate. The NHL doesn't at present but let a single other pro league be it the NBA, NFL or MLB place a single ad on a uniform the NHL will most certainly follow suit. We've already got the Nike swoose predominately shown on all NFL jerseys.
If it happens it'll no doubt start out slow with only one maybe two small corporate logos and grow from there. That's how it got so bad in Europe.
Also the board ads is a big deal. I already hate the "on the glass" TV ads. The board ads would be the same. The fans would see one set of ads but tv will change the ads to other things. It could even be a moving picture. Ducks feed could show Taco Bell and in the same spot Kings feed could be Del Taco in the same area