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Officiating...League wide


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2011
Cherry Hill, NJ
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As I pointed out in my post about the Flyers taking stupid penalties...there is another part to the story.

Across the league, the officiating has been questionable at best. While I applaud Shanny cracking down I wish there was a crack down on the refs

How many times will a Flyer (or Maple Leaf or Bruin) get mugged and nothing is called while a ref watches. How many times will a player get a penalty for being on the ice (Rinaldo twice, Shelley once)?

More than any other season in recent memory, mind you it is only 20 games old, there are penalties being called based on reputation as apposed to actions. At the same time, the refs are actually cracking down on obstruction and cheap stick penalties....at least when teams are wearing certain sweaters...


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I actually tried to touch on this very subject in the lazy penalty thread, here's what I said...

"On another note, I'll be the first person to call the reffing questionable and I don't only mean against the Flyers but league wide. I've found myself at times trying to figure out why something is or isn't a penalty when a ref is standing right there. It all comes down to referee interpretation, which is something I swore the NHL promised they were going to work on this past off season apparently the fear of losing Cindy forever pushed this topic off of the table. I'm not trying to downplay the issue of player safety, but ensuring that all teams in the league have a fair chance to win game to game and that the ref's are all on the same page. Roughing is roughing a cross check is a cross check, the intent of a player should not contribute to whether or not the infraction is called."

It is frustrating to say the least and Shanny needs to start looking at some of these calls/no calls and hold the referees accountable.


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I agree that some call are just plain stupid.
Most of these calls are against players with reputations of taking lazy penalties.
Having said that, it is happeneing to everyone and the FLyers if truly want to be contenders have to shore up their special teams.

The biggest concern of late for me is giving up late period goals. Also giving up goals just after they have scored.

Its still very early and Im convinced the Flyers will be just fine in this regard.