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Most / Least Favorite Giant


Sarcastic F-wad
Aug 11, 2010
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Filo just said something that sparked a thought. Who is you most/least favorite Giant ever?

For me, there is a two-way tie at the top. Will Clark and Hunter Pence are my favorites. Will Clark will always “trigger” me more, since he was “the guy” as I found the game, but Pence was a guy whom I watch with adult eyes and made the conscious decision to add him to the top.

For worst? Pierzynski is too easy. I will skip him.

China Doll? He wasn’t around long enough. Zito? At the end, you can almost say 2012 was on him. Good signing. Butler? Just because he unwittingly flipped the bird on his way out does not take away his few years at the top of our lineup. He was the best leadoff man the Giants have had in my lifetime. Benitez? Now you are talking. But he was yanked from the job early enough to not get too pissed.

So that brings me to...

Rowand. Worthless on the field. Cancer in the clubhouse. He took the money, than mailed it in his whole time with the Giants. Sure he has a ring, but the Giants hated him so much they ate an entire year of his contract. And the Giants just don’t do that.


Superstitious Fan
Aug 11, 2010
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Timmeh pretty easily my most favorite. There's a lot of guys in the running for second place which could be an interesting debate, but Lincecum is a step ahead of all of them.

Shout-out to Mike Morse, though. He shouldn't have come back, but I thoroughly enjoyed his 2014 season. Andres Torres gets similar praise for 2010.

I no longer hold any ill-will toward Barry Zito. He did not impede the Giants in any sort of way at the end of the day. Could they have signed C.C. Sabathia or Mark Texeria the next offseason if they didn't sign Zito? Probably. Did it matter? Nope. Plus everything he did in 2012, after being basically humiliated in 2010, without EVER peeping a word? Legend, IMO.

Worst.... I'm happy to say it's harder to think of my absolute least favorite. There are some candidates: Miguel Tejada (Teh Nada), Rowand, Gearrin, McGehee, AJ... Blownitez might be the pick though. God I hated that guy.


Sarcastic F-wad
Aug 11, 2010
San Diego
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Timmeh pretty easily my most favorite. There's a lot of guys in the running for second place which could be an interesting debate, but Lincecum is a step ahead of all of them.

Shout-out to Mike Morse, though. He shouldn't have come back, but I thoroughly enjoyed his 2014 season. Andres Torres gets similar praise for 2010.

I no longer hold any ill-will toward Barry Zito. He did not impede the Giants in any sort of way at the end of the day. Could they have signed C.C. Sabathia or Mark Texeria the next offseason if they didn't sign Zito? Probably. Did it matter? Nope. Plus everything he did in 2012, after being basically humiliated in 2010, without EVER peeping a word? Legend, IMO.

Worst.... I'm happy to say it's harder to think of my absolute least favorite. There are some candidates: Miguel Tejada (Teh Nada), Rowand, Gearrin, McGehee, AJ... Blownitez might be the pick though. God I hated that guy.
I have no ill-will towards McGehee. Playing for “his” team just proved to be too much for him. All reports say he was an absolute pleasure in the clubhouse, and even helped Duffy take his job. Kudos to that dude.


Lefty 99
Aug 11, 2010
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This is a great question.

Favorite: Among Timmah, Stretch, BLB, Willie, Gardy, Thrill, Panda and Bum.

I'll go with Willie.

Least favorite: Among AJ, Butler, Boomaster, Blownitez, Neifi, Orel, Dropadeuce, Dunston, and Guillen.

I'll go with Boo.


Lefty 99
Aug 11, 2010
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I should have also added Gerald to the Favorites list.


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My Favorite is Bonds

My least Favorite is Ruben Rivera


Superstitious Fan
Aug 11, 2010
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I have no ill-will towards McGehee. Playing for “his” team just proved to be too much for him. All reports say he was an absolute pleasure in the clubhouse, and even helped Duffy take his job. Kudos to that dude.

True, but he was just so bad.... Gearrin is apparently a great guy too but that doesn't mean I don't hate his guts.

McGehee gets some credit for helping Duffy along, though, and his stint was pretty short.

Honestly Rowand is probably the guy I should like the least but didn't actively hate him as much when he was a Giant. He was bad but the whole team was awful for his first couple years and we didn't really hear about the bad stuff well after the fact.

I really tried hard to think of guys I actively groaned every time they played and Benitez was that guy


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Favorite Giant- Barry Bonds

Least- I can’t really remember disliking any Giant very much. I’ve cussed Sergio Romo a bunch in the past.


I'll shit in your shoes.
Jul 7, 2013
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Dan Gladden...and i liked him even more when he became a Twin.

He hustled, his uniform was always dirty.


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Sep 16, 2010
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Wow ... great question ... but being a million years old ... you probably never heard of .....

My most influential player has to be Dusty Rhodes ... I was 8 years old during the 1954 WS and it was Dusty Rhodes that that made me a true believer in the Giants. He was the one that allowed me to see and feel baseball through the eyes of a kid. .

The next 10 years was devoted to following Willie Mays. For me ... he was the best players I have ever seen play the game ... for me he was the Giants.

Least favorite is a difficult pick. It will never come down to pure 'performance' ... but more of an overall effect he had on the team as a player ...Pierzynski immediately comes to mind.

I'm also very unsure where to put Panda in all of this. He was great talent. But .... I still can't forget the way he left SF. I got the feeling he sort of just turned his back on the team, the city and the fans. Not living in the SF area I can't really talk to it ... but that is the way the papers seemed to paint the picture ...


I'm just here to troll everyone
Aug 11, 2010
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Wow ... great question ... but being a million years old ... you probably never heard of .....

My most influential player has to be Dusty Rhodes ... I was 8 years old during the 1954 WS and it was Dusty Rhodes that that made me a true believer in the Giants. He was the one that allowed me to see and feel baseball through the eyes of a kid. .

The next 10 years was devoted to following Willie Mays. For me ... he was the best players I have ever seen play the game ... for me he was the Giants.

Least favorite is a difficult pick. It will never come down to pure 'performance' ... but more of an overall effect he had on the team as a player ...Pierzynski immediately comes to mind.

I'm also very unsure where to put Panda in all of this. He was great talent. But .... I still can't forget the way he left SF. I got the feeling he sort of just turned his back on the team, the city and the fans. Not living in the SF area I can't really talk to it ... but that is the way the papers seemed to paint the picture ...

What you say about Panda is true but since returning he has totally made up for it IMO, he's been a solid citizen. He knows he messed up. Maybe I'm biased since my whole family met him and got autographs and he was so nice to us.

Panda is actually one of my favorites. Timmy is the top, with a close tier of Panda, Posey, Andres Gallaraga, Hunter Pence, Brian Wilson and Omar Vizquel

Gotta agree with everyone on Blownitez. I don't hate players who suck, it's not like they are trying to suck. But the attitude is what does it. Blownitez was the worst.


Sarcastic F-wad
Aug 11, 2010
San Diego
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What you say about Panda is true but since returning he has totally made up for it IMO, he's been a solid citizen. He knows he messed up. Maybe I'm biased since my whole family met him and got autographs and he was so nice to us.

Panda is actually one of my favorites. Timmy is the top, with a close tier of Panda, Posey, Andres Gallaraga, Hunter Pence, Brian Wilson and Omar Vizquel

Gotta agree with everyone on Blownitez. I don't hate players who suck, it's not like they are trying to suck. But the attitude is what does it. Blownitez was the worst.
I don’t think that he has completely filled that pothole, but he certainly has scooped a few shovels full of asphalt...


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Mar 7, 2012
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I don’t think that he has completely filled that pothole, but he certainly has scooped a few shovels full of asphalt...

Meaning he was a complete ass, and maybe he realizes it was all his phalt?
Oct 6, 2016
San Francisco, California
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when rich reuschel was on the mound i always tried to make it to candlestick. just liked the way he played.

couldn't stand aaron rowland nor aj... probably due as much to the contracts in the twilight of their careers.. but their attitude always grated on me


Former Californian. Hesitant Tennessean.
Aug 1, 2015
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This is a hard one for me. I am partial to Mark Gardner, for reasons I've shared in previous posts. I also am a big Will Clark fan. I became a baseball, and Giants', fan in 1990, when the Thrill was at the top of his game. I am left handed and, because of him, wanted to play 1st base. I also tried to emulate his swing.
I was a big Matt Williams fan too and was unhappy when he was traded (but it did work out well for the team). I also think of Matt Cain and Noah Lowry. Then there's Buster Posey and Brandon Belt. I really rooted for Travis Ishikawa too. I really wanted Damon Minor to succeed. (I think The Thrill got me hooked on rooting for 1st basemen).
As for least favorite, I don't like to designate anyone for that spot. Sure, there's been guys I've been frustrated with and wanted the org to stop playing them so much or didn't like the fact that they were acquired because it blocked guys I was rooting for but I'm not into disliking or hating players because of those circumstances.