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Ludwick - What do we expect?


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Jun 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The anticipation of Ludwick's return can be viewed as perhaps a morale booster. Frankly, in my opinion, regardless what he does in rehab starts, it is hard to predict just what he will/can do. He's a veteran, the Reds have those, he has no speed, the Reds need it, he is a right handed bat, does that really make a huge difference or will it down the stretch? Is he really healthy or will he play hurting like Rolen did? I hope he is healthy. If healthy (the big key, in my opinion) his talent and just his influence will help. He's been gone a long time so he is literally starting the season over again. Can he help and inspire a guy like Frazier? That could be an overlooked commodity but as a fan you sure would like to think so with his experience. Frazier could sure use that and a major reason why Rolen was thought so much of too. The bench players could sure use the boost. My opinion of the entire team to date is this, what they do now going forward is all that really matters anymore in this season. Individually, those guys from the bench will need to show they want to be in a Reds uniform next year. If I am any team, from what they have shown thus far, I would hesitate to even sign any of them to a minor league deal. The hardest part of a team to maintain is starting pitching and the Reds have it. An All-Star Closer too. I agree Hamilton is not ready for the majors but I often wonder if he can steal bases, bother pitchers, bunt, be a distraction for the others in the line-up? That aspect is needed and adds versatility to manuifacture runs in a talented line-up like the Reds. Just some more thoughts but ready or not, I would still like to see what Hamilton can do as I am curious what Ludwick will do upon his return.


It is what it is
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Dunno. I expect him to get paid about $10 mil next year- it's in his contract.

He's past prime age, so I usually don't expect better than career averages. Last year, was a surprise, at least to me...lets assume the best- he takes off on his last year total stat pace (27 HR)- and he plays 1.5 months of the balance of this year- it's about 7 HR. it's not that many, especially considering if anyone playing LF currently might have hit a couple during that span. He's never been a real high BA guy, so I'm not sure Ludwick adding 5 HR over Aug & Sept is going to turn this from a 14 win a month team into a 16 win a month team by himself, and even of he can, is that increase for a month and a half ( 3 wins) going to get us any farther ? There has to be more of a contribution by players ALREADY on the team to make a real impact, I think.

It is possible if his return means BP goes back to be a 2 hitter, the team may get better run production. If Cueto comes back, he could add SP strength, but it means no LHSP in the rotation.

August is a tough time to start getting your playoff shit together, especially if your best post seasob prospects are to start from a one game play- in game. I think it's unrealistic and unfair to expect Ludwick to haul all that mail by himself. Remember, he was originally supposed to be a veteran spare part, not the engine of this team.


Aristocratic Hoosier
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I think Ludwick is part of the lie that some Reds fans have learned to believe ... that all will be well when we get our "best" guys back. It helps establish a form of rationale that makes enduring this a little easier.

I was just thinking today, and don't intend to look it up ... but the bitching we did last year about Drew Stubbs and the black hole at the top of the lineup. A year ago, the Reds won 97 games. This year, we are on a pace to win about 90. Now, 90 is decent ... but really, what lies do we choose to believe?

Ludwick MIGHT have put this team in first place, on a roll toward 100 wins.
Cueto could be on his way to 20 wins, a Cy Young Award.

But you gotta be able to fill in the blanks. The top contending teams in the NL have all done that.
I won't provide the list.

Ludwick is not going to turn this ship around and swallowing the happy pill may make you feel better.
It just won't make you well.


former pessimistic homer
Aug 11, 2011
Dayton, OH
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The way I look at it, getting Luddy back can't hurt. It's clear that Robinson, Paul and Heisey won't be run producers. Luddy might, and I'll take one maybe over three definitely nots any day. Our chances aren't that good anyway, but with Luddy they do at least improve to still not that good, but not quite as bad.


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Apr 21, 2013
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The good news here is real simple: We will find out very soon just how much Ludwick will help. It certainly will help to get BP up in the 2 hole but how much will depend on Ludwick's ability to put the bat on the ball. We will see soon enough.


It is what it is
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I agree if Ludwick is a guy that immediately becomes a .260-ish hitter with a pace for 25-30 HR in a full season as a cleanup hitter, and BP immediately goes back to being a .300-ish 2 hitter again, and everyone else does what they've been doing, it's a better lineup, that might on occasion score 3 runs instead of 2, or 4 runs instead of 3...to hope that they suddenly become a team that consistently scores 5 is a lot to ask for.

Some of the problem is, not many hitters take 4 months to heal, and immediately take off right where they left off a year ago...and I especially doubt that with a guy like Ludwick that had a "comeback season" the previous year, after 2-3 downers...and lots of players like BP that have played all year, are usually beat up physically this time of year, too.

Is Todd Frazier really going to be a .240 MLB hitter since the scouting report is out on him ? Cozart ? If they can't adapt they are. Are the Reds better off with BP as a .260 cleanup hitter with 20 HR and 100 RBI, or as a .290 2 hitter with 100 Runs ( and 20 HR) ? Do the hitters around (or missing) Votto negatively impact his HR/RBI totals ? Are we really better off with Cueto's unknown health back on the team, if it means no LHSP in the rotation ?

It's all speculation.