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Dad, World Traveler, Investor, college football
Checked the weather and saw it was 12 degrees in Omaha.
Pick-up said 10° this morning. Had a few flurries late yesterday afternoon. Supposed to warm back up to the 50's by the weekend.
Maple's still have a lot of leaves (yellow), but ash tree's have been bare for a couple weeks now.
Yea I guess soHooray, the big leaf dump has occurred.
The cold, wind, rain, and snow forced the majority of my leaves to the ground.
I have poison oak, poison ivy, red oak, burr oak, white oak, black oak, wild cherry, mulberry, ash, shaggy bark hickory, and hedgeball trees(not sure of their name, nasty wood to split.), some other tree with HUGE leaves.
On Monday, I finished raking up my entire yard before the cold front moved through. Now, it looks like I did absolutely nothing.
BTW, I am very allergic to the posion oak and posion ivy. Everyone December, I go see the doctor for steroid pills and itch cream. I don't bother doing it during leaf raking season because I know I will just keep getting it.
it was veeeeeery cooooold today
I sawl at least 4 sets of witches nipples fly by my head today ----no lie
twas they ridin' giant penicle brooms to?
it was just 4 pair of blue nipplets flying in the air is all ----- they was riggid though