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Keys to victory vs. Seattle


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Here are some keys to victory against the Hags.

I start with the wide receivers because I believe they’re going to be the key to winning this game. Especially Tavon Austin, there’s one thing that Seattle has a hard time defending it’s smaller quick players. We need to get TA involved in the game like he was involved in college. Out of the backfield, quick screens, and lining him up on the outside against Sherman. Sherman typically has had a hard time against smaller shiftier WR’s. The only bigger WR I’ve seen that had a decent day against him was Dez and Brian Quick is no Dez Bryant.
One thing we cannot afford to have is our WR core dropping passes. Quick and Cook have to be our possession receivers and maybe Bailey thrown in there from time to time.

We have to block. If Fisher and Co. thinks that the Seahawks Dline and LB’s aren’t chomping at the bit right now to get Davis on the ground they are going to be in for a logn long day. Seattle plays similar to San Fran in the way that they just play a solid scheme and they don’t get very fancy in blitzes and exotic packages. This week might be different however. After seeing what SF did to our Oline with stunts and LB blitzes off the edge you can be sure they will follow suit.
Hopefully our Oline has figured it out and prepares accordingly.

If our Oline does their job, these guys will take care of business. Look for a heavy dose of Stacy and Cunningham with Mason sprinkled in on draw plays and outside runs.

Davis needs to do a couple of things better. He needs to learn to slide a little better and know when to run in the pocket. Its one thing that Kaep and Wilson are masters at. If our Oline gives him time he will find the Open WR, he’s very good at checking off his different reads.

Offensive coaching…

While I don’t expect much from schotty because at times it’s almost like watching a pop warner football coach calling plays. Sometimes he does surprise me. Don’t get me wrong I know how football works and I know you can just call all of these exotic plays and expect them to work. Most of the time you’re running the same plays that everyone else runs.
However, schotty is king of being predictable. He king of not adjusting.
He’s king of panicking and completely getting away from a game plan.
If and when seattle starts getting after Davis, schotty needs to adjust. Run some quick screens, end arounds, edge running plays, counter plays, and draws. All of these things slow down pass rushes. Hopefully he calls a good game. Because we’re going to need it.


We have to SLOW RUSH WILSON. We must not get too far up field or he’ll pick our secondary apart. Historically our Dline has had success against seattle in sacking Wilson. But we’ve also fallen short and given up big plays which has killed us. We MUST stay in control and not shoot ourselves in playing out of position.

Better be prepared to get nasty with Lynch. He’s gonna come hard and lower the boom. JL shouldn’t be playing 20 yards back like a FS he better be lined up in the box.

Well after last week’s debacle JJ needs to play a flawless game because Seattle has had his number the last 2 years. He’s probably been burned more than any CB on the Rams against Seattle. Hopefully our Defense coord is smart enough to give him a little help now and again.


Greg Williams……….Just stop blitzing 50% of the time and try scheming against an offense and we should be ok. You’re putting our players in bad positions in a defense they’ve never played in before. You’re asking them to do a lot maybe it’s time to dial it down a bit and learn from your opponents.
Scheme is everything. Just look at the top 3 defense in the NFL. No gimmics just good solid coaching.

Fisher. Get your boys in line.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2010
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It all starts with the pass rush. Do what you did last year in the home game against the Seahawks and you've got a great chance.


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Apr 22, 2013
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This team just flat out stinks right now. We will again find some way to lose. No way in hell do we have a chance to win this contest. 4-12 this season at best!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2013
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This team just flat out stinks right now. We will again find some way to lose. No way in hell do we have a chance to win this contest. 4-12 this season at best!!!!!

I'm not so sure we can win 3 games, will be picking in the top 5 of the draft next year! I think the Redskins could probably beat us right now.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2010
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Hey, now you don't have Percy Harvin to deal with. I bet that Jeff Fisher and the DC are very thankful for that.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2013
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Hey, now you don't have Percy Harvin to deal with. I bet that Jeff Fisher and the DC are very thankful for that.

.....but we have the refs making stupid calls allowing our opponents to basically score easily!


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2010
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.....but we have the refs making stupid calls allowing our opponents to basically score easily!

NFL officials are probably among the worst in pro sports, but the calls usually even out during the course of the regular season. What sucks is when calls are missed in a playoff game, like when they didn't call pass interference or holding on Jimmy Smith when he was clearly grabbing Crabtree in the Super Bowl.

We got some really bad calls earlier in the season, but then we were gifted calls against the Rams, as you seem to be very aware of. Sorry. I hope you guys get all the calls against the Seahawks. The Rams are my second favorite team this weekend. :suds: