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Johnny Football party made Browns late to practice


Crusader for Truthiness
Aug 30, 2011
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Johnny Finger is a jackass. The faster the Browns realize they made a mistake drafting this clown & get rid of him the better.

Not sure if you saw Haslem's comments earlier but they were along the lines of "Irresponsible behavior will not be tolerated, I don't care where you were taken in the draft. Fall in line or fall out."

They're trying to institute a culture change over there and Pettine is a disciplinarian. Doesn't mean good things for Johnny Party and Gordon.


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Not sure if you saw Haslem's comments earlier but they were along the lines of "Irresponsible behavior will not be tolerated, I don't care where you were taken in the draft. Fall in line or fall out."

They're trying to institute a culture change over there and Pettine is a disciplinarian. Doesn't mean good things for Johnny Party and Gordon.

here's the problem with that. How many times do we think Manziel has been told in the last yr to grow up? Just consider the number of times WE know about where some team official admitted they told him he needs to clean up his act and grow the fuck up. He's been told many times and he's proven he doesn't give a shit therefore Haslem's words ring hollow becuz he's obviously willing to tolerate it and Manziel figured that out a while ago. This is why he con't to act like a 12 yr old and will con't to. Right now Haslem looks like a fool for giving these 2 idiots the money he has and gets walked on by them. I understand he doesn't want his fans to think he's giving up and going backwards by letting these 2 go but on the other hand the organization is looking like a nuthouse and going nowhere anyway. Haslim could make a great statement to the game by dumping both and taking a stand. If he outright released them that would be the same as saying " IMO they have no value anyway , if any team wants to take a chance on these guys please be my guest. My only hope is that it's a team in our division".


Abnormally Average
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for those old enough to remember, he reminds me of Eddie Haskell. It's yes sir and yes ma'am and I will tell you what you want to hear but when you leave the room I will do what the hell I want to do.


The Real Deal
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Really not surprised, the writing was on the wall this time last year, doesn't take a rocket scientist to predict what was going to happen, this kid is not ready to commit, wasn't ready, still isn't, what a waste.

Dragging your teammates into the abyss with you, wtf, does anyone have their head on straight?

Lemon Harang Pie

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So now he's being blamed for causing other teammates to show up late?

Good grief.

Lemon Harang Pie

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The press is trying to sell this as a threat and it isn't. If Haslam had a sack he'd make a statement right now and cut Manziel. Take a look at the guys they've drafted in the last 2 yrs and the trouble these fuckin morons are in constantly. This is a team we were told is turning it around and is gonna be a serious team starting now. They've literally gone backwards while spending a shitload of money doing so. If I were Haslam I would make a statement everyone would hear. It starts with Manziel and Gordon - both cut. There may be some kind of market for Gordon but there is none for the midget so make a statement and embarrass the fuckin punk like he's embarrassed the organization. There cannot be a single guy on that team who wants to see these guys back so this should be an easy one.

What trouble is Manziel constantly in?

This is nothing but a witch hunt at this point. I mean it's not like he was even playing this week. He was late to a doctor's appointment and if you don't think team doctors set their schedules around Tom Brady or Peyton Manning then you're really kidding yourselves.


The Real Deal
Aug 18, 2011
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for those old enough to remember, he reminds me of Eddie Haskell. It's yes sir and yes ma'am and I will tell you what you want to hear but when you leave the room I will do what the hell I want to do.

Well , Leave It To Beaver, I guess we know Baby Boomers in the hizzouss!!! Yo!

LOL, and I agree completely total Eddie Haskell dude!

"Don't you look nice today Mrs C!"


The Real Deal
Aug 18, 2011
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Exactly! The witch hunt is alive.

Damn straight, don't tell me all parties involved didn't know what was going on?

yo party at my house bros, you in? don't miss practice in the AM!

bunch of rich bitch players losing track of their priorities, uh huh.


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Chris Carter said he would of fired them,,he said Brown management and the owner needs to tell the others on the team after they fire them to "Grow up",won't happen but something big needs to be done,these guys are making big money to do something many others would dream to be doing.


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Damn straight, don't tell me all parties involved didn't know what was going on?

yo party at my house bros, you in? don't miss practice in the AM!

bunch of rich bitch players losing track of their priorities, uh huh.

Dansby and others complained about it a few weeks ago,the Browns org has issues with these young guys.


Well-Known Member
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The press is trying to sell this as a threat and it isn't. If Haslam had a sack he'd make a statement right now and cut Manziel. Take a look at the guys they've drafted in the last 2 yrs and the trouble these fuckin morons are in constantly. This is a team we were told is turning it around and is gonna be a serious team starting now. They've literally gone backwards while spending a shitload of money doing so. If I were Haslam I would make a statement everyone would hear. It starts with Manziel and Gordon - both cut. There may be some kind of market for Gordon but there is none for the midget so make a statement and embarrass the fuckin punk like he's embarrassed the organization. There cannot be a single guy on that team who wants to see these guys back so this should be an easy one.

Excellent post,the last thing any NFL fan wants is it to turn into the NBA.


Roid Raging
Apr 25, 2013
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There to me is the real issue.

Where are the veterans and why aren't they kicking these guy's asses into shape!

I don't completely blame a 20-year old for needing to do a lot of growing up. I was 20 once and still had a lot of growing up to do.

At the same time, everyone on the Browns by now should know that Josh Gordon is a mental midget. An idiot. A moron.

Put into layman's terms: He's stooooopid!

A smart, veteran player should not allow an environment to be created that would give Gordon the opportunity to fuck up!

Manziel is not a veteran leader. He's a 20-year old rookie.

One of the vets should have been physically removing the dumbass that is Gordon from that party.

Lack of veteran leadership in Cleveland is shining through in this example.

Lemon Harang Pie

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Chris Carter said he would of fired them,,he said Brown management and the owner needs to tell the others on the team after they fire them to "Grow up",won't happen but something big needs to be done,these guys are making big money to do something many others would dream to be doing.

Chris Carter's complaining about anyone's partying is hilarious.

desert heat

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and of course the report of a party is bs:

Browns rookie quarterback Johnny Manziel said Monday he was "irate" with recent reports that he threw a party the night before arriving late to the facility for treatment. He told reporters he had a few friends from Texas over on Friday and overslept Saturday, but played no part in Josh Gordon's one-game suspension for skipping walkthru, reports the Plain Dealer.

Manziel: No more 'looking like a jackass;' Pettine says 'talk is cheap' : Fantasy News


Jul 2, 2013
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There to me is the real issue.

Where are the veterans and why aren't they kicking these guy's asses into shape!

I don't completely blame a 20-year old for needing to do a lot of growing up. I was 20 once and still had a lot of growing up to do.

At the same time, everyone on the Browns by now should know that Josh Gordon is a mental midget. An idiot. A moron.

Put into layman's terms: He's stooooopid!

A smart, veteran player should not allow an environment to be created that would give Gordon the opportunity to fuck up!

Manziel is not a veteran leader. He's a 20-year old rookie.

One of the vets should have been physically removing the dumbass that is Gordon from that party.

Lack of veteran leadership in Cleveland is shining through in this example.


Browns only further prove how dysfunctional they really are


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There to me is the real issue.

Where are the veterans and why aren't they kicking these guy's asses into shape!

I don't completely blame a 20-year old for needing to do a lot of growing up. I was 20 once and still had a lot of growing up to do.

At the same time, everyone on the Browns by now should know that Josh Gordon is a mental midget. An idiot. A moron.

Put into layman's terms: He's stooooopid!

A smart, veteran player should not allow an environment to be created that would give Gordon the opportunity to fuck up!

Manziel is not a veteran leader. He's a 20-year old rookie.

One of the vets should have been physically removing the dumbass that is Gordon from that party.

Lack of veteran leadership in Cleveland is shining through in this example.

I'm splitting hairs perhaps but let's at least be accurate. Manziel is a 22 yr old punk who's been babied/coddled his entire life. Handed everything anytime he demands it by adults who should know better. He's a FAR cry from some little 20 yr old rookie who's never been away from home. He was held back a yr in school and redshirted in college. He was sold to us as some wunderkind when he won the Heisman when he kids in his class were college jrs. Save the BS , the kid is an asshole who thinks the rules of life apply to others , not him. He's nowhere near learning this lesson and the Browns are only making it worse. If he ever turns himself around it will require getting publicly fired and a serious rehab stint. I wouldn't count on either and wouldn't bet 5 cents he ever has success in the NFL. I'm not alone I can guarantee that.


Crusader for Truthiness
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Browns only further prove how dysfunctional they really are


Pettine and Farmer were good hires and the Owner seems to be on board. Its fill in or get out time in Cle. I really like Pettine, and he has already expressed how much he values JFF's promises to grow up.

They are changing the culture around there and getting guys in that are serious about winning. Things like that don't change overnight.

desert heat

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Pettine and Farmer were good hires and the Owner seems to be on board. Its fill in or get out time in Cle. I really like Pettine, and he has already expressed how much he values JFF's promises to grow up.

They are changing the culture around there and getting guys in that are serious about winning. Things like that don't change overnight.

pettine criticizing manziel in the media is unprofessional. a coach should stand up for his players. if manziel was not prepared to start, pettine shouldn't have started him. its pettines job to see that players are prepared. its starting to appear pettine set manziel up to fail.

time will tell about pettine, but after a good run, the team is looking in disarray.