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Jim Leonard - DB coach and Pass Defense Coordinator


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3

Jim Leonard is a very cool addition to the coaching staff. I'd also say - based on Sean Payton's past behavior - VJ has his replacement in waiting. The article says Jim Leonard turned down DC jobs before. Anyway, Leonard has some Denver Bronco blood in him too.

I think Sean Payton is an interesting study in management. He thinks if he can build an organization that carries out his vision - cares about the outcome as much as he does - and does those things at the right time and right place - he can win a championship. To accomplish this, he builds redundancy in the organization where his handpicked guys are mentored to take over in a period of time. Everyone is working for the exact same goal, and everyone knows their role in the process. It creates an organization focus the drives the efficiency of the effort towards the goal.