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It's really kind of hard to believe...


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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...that John Fox started out his tenure as Broncos head coach at 1-4 and with Kyle Orton at the helm on offense. It really is amazing what one season can do.

2011 was a fun year to be a Broncos fan. Say what you will about Tebow. He went a long way toward putting the Broncos back on the football map. It wasn't until he took over that the defense began to play like an NFL defense should. Many of the players credited Tebow for their inspired play.

Of course that year ended in a 45-10 whoopin' by the Pats. That was the day my son was born, so it was hard to be too upset about the loss. Still, I believe the team's success that season had a lot to do with Manning choosing Denver. A defense that can play with the best of them at times. Offensive weapons that were selfless and wildly talent. A potent run game.

And now, just two years after the Broncos offense registered just over 19 PPG the Broncos are sporting the league's best offense and John Fox is an impressive 26-7 (regular season) since that 1-4 start.

Football is a funny thing, is it not?


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
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This is one of the main reasons that I love the NFL over any other pro or college sport. If your team sucks one year just give it a year and maybe just maybe they will be right back in the thick of it all the next year. The past 3 years are a great example. The Broncos had the 2nd overall pick after having the worse season if I remember right in franchise history. Next thing you know we are in the playoffs the next two years and well on our way for a 3rd straight year. The next year you have the Colts finish last in the NFL then have a good draft and boom are right back in the playoffs and once again being talked about as one of the better teams in the AFC (I would put them as the 4th best team in the AFC right now), then we have this past year where the Chiefs finished in last place and then the next year are one of only two undefeated teams.

Got to love that every team every year if just a few things go right have a chance to really come out on top. Look at Baltimore last year. Talent wise I don't think anybody put them even close to being the top team in the AFC. They had a few bounces go their way in the playoffs and next thing you know they are Superbowl Champions. Same thing with the Giants a couple of times.

Now onto the whole John Fox as the head coach. This guy went from coaching the worst team in the NFL in Carolina to now being called one of the better coaches in football and especially this week I have heard the words genius thrown around quite a bit with his handling of the whole Irsay situation with showing Peyton that he has his back.