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Holmgren: Done coaching


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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Mike Holmgren says on KJR-AM that he's done coaching | Seahawks Blog | Seattle Times
Former Seahawks coach Mike Holmgren said during one of his regular segments on KJR-AM this morning that he has decided he will no longer pursue head coaching opportunities.

Holmgren said that he had “a couple” offers over the last few weeks — he did not specify the teams — but said he has decided that he is done coaching.

Holmgren said he would have been interested in coaching the 49ers but that they did not contact him and it became apparent to him they were not interested in talking to him.

“The important thing is that it’s (his coaching days) done,” Holmgren said.

Holmgren, who is 66, has not been a head coach since ending his career with the Seahawks in 2008. He has been back in the Seattle area

Holmgren was team president of the Browns from 2010-12 and has not worked since. He said mulling over the offers of the last few weeks convinced him that he was done coaching, especially with no offer coming from the 49ers.

Holmgren grew up in San Francisco and was an assistant with the 49ers from 1986-91 before becoming head coach of the Packers in 1992 and then Seattle in 1999.

Not major news as most probably never thought of him as a serious candidate to return anyway.

I listened to the entire segment and he was clear that he was offered at least two head coaching positions and turned them down. He further said he had discussed with his family the possibility of taking the 9'ers gig and was ready to accept it if offered, but the team hasn't even reached out and had any discussions with him. In his words he said they clearly had no interest in him at all. When asked if he had reached out to them his response was that's not how it is done. He said you have representatives and they let it be known. So it is clear as day that they knew he wanted the job and didn't even talk to him about it.

Doubt that this should be any surprise either. At 66 no one is going to look at Holmgren for any kind of long term position. So had the 9'ers brought him in either he would be stuck with an offense that is currently built around the zone read and a run first conservative style or he would be there entirely just to rebuild it to his vaunted west coast roots and likely would be handing off that rebuild effort to someone else in only a few years.

This isn't an indictment on his abilities and he accepts that. He said he came to the decision that he is no longer interested in taking offers. He was asked why this is different from his prior statements and how can anyone view this as the final answer and he said good question. It sounds like the only thing that could change his mind is the 9'ers to change theirs and since it appears unlikely there is nearly no chance Mike Holmgren takes any offers from any other teams.


What Me Worry?
Jun 25, 2014
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This is too bad. He was probably the best head coach of the past two decades.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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Time catches up to everyone. He was asked how he felt about that and his response was positive. He gets that teams want to find that guy that can lead them for the next 10 years. He seems at peace with it, but you know it still can't be easy. He's been a huge part of football since '89 and his early days with the 9'ers.

Lemon Harang Pie

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This announcement probably wasn't that necessary after he's been out of coaching for so many years at his age.

Lemon Harang Pie

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Better than Bill Billicheck in NE?

Belichick is probably the best coach I've ever seen.

It's a shame he has to carry on the way that he does and dress like he's homeless on the sidelines.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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This announcement probably wasn't that necessary after he's been out of coaching for so many years at his age.
It wasn't an announcement, it was part of his weekly radio shows on KJRam. He was pressed for these answers by Mitch Levy.

To me the interesting part was at least two teams actually flat out offered him the job and he turned it down, and he said he was willing to take the 9'ers job and wasn't even contacted. It's more about those two things than his decision to not take anymore offers going forward.


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It's a wise man who knows when to walk away.


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I would put him ahead of Cowher but behind Belichick. The guy was one of the best at taking mediocre football teams and making them relevant not only just for a year but for many years. Yes he only has the 1 Super Bowl title to his name but I would hire him in a heartbeat. I would love to have him on the Broncos FO right now as he is a great football mind that I think could only benefit whatever organization he goes to.


What Me Worry?
Jun 25, 2014
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I would put him ahead of Cowher but behind Belichick. The guy was one of the best at taking mediocre football teams and making them relevant not only just for a year but for many years. Yes he only has the 1 Super Bowl title to his name but I would hire him in a heartbeat. I would love to have him on the Broncos FO right now as he is a great football mind that I think could only benefit whatever organization he goes to.
Belichick is very good but folks seem to forget his 4 dreadful seasons as the Cleveland Browns head coach.


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Belichick is very good but folks seem to forget his 4 dreadful seasons as the Cleveland Browns head coach.

I handicap that some as nobody has had success with Cleveland. For many years it has been the least desirable coaching spot in the league or at least in competition with Oakland. Throw in Art Modell announcing the team was moving half way through the season didn't help that 1995 season at all.


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Belichick is probably the best coach I've ever seen.

It's a shame he has to carry on the way that he does and dress like he's homeless on the sidelines.

Dont'cha wish your coach can dress like him dont'cha and give interviews like him dont'cha. I'd rather have R2D2 speak for the team than him, painful to watch say the least. Some people aren't comfortable in front of mike and he and Lynch are 2 prime examples


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Belichick is very good but folks seem to forget his 4 dreadful seasons as the Cleveland Browns head coach.

He did get them to the playoffs 1 year , so 3 were dreadful just to clarify things. But Ozzie learned a lot and got to be a real good/great GM imo because of that


What Me Worry?
Jun 25, 2014
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He did get them to the playoffs 1 year , so 3 were dreadful just to clarify things. But Ozzie learned a lot and got to be a real good/great GM imo because of that
Folks seem to overlook the importance of a great front office. Robert Kraft is the real reason for the great success at New England.

Yankee Traveler

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Belichick is very good but folks seem to forget his 4 dreadful seasons as the Cleveland Browns head coach.

Where he turned it around only to be left behind as part of their flotsam as they bailed for Baltimore?
Those Cleveland Browns that he got to 2 playoff games in '94?
The Cleveland Browns that followed up with a 4-12, 6-9-1, 6-10 seasons before finally going 8-8 after getting rid of the coach and city that had gone to the playoffs for the first time in 6 years?
Those Cleveland Browns?

Yankee Traveler

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Folks seem to overlook the importance of a great front office. Robert Kraft is the real reason for the great success at New England.

And none of the coaching tree from the Cleveland days has gone on to have any other success either have they.

Well except for Ozzie.


What Me Worry?
Jun 25, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Where he turned it around only to be left behind as part of their flotsam as they bailed for Baltimore?
Those Cleveland Browns that he got to 2 playoff games in '94?
The Cleveland Browns that followed up with a 4-12, 6-9-1, 6-10 seasons before finally going 8-8 after getting rid of the coach and city that had gone to the playoffs for the first time in 6 years?
Those Cleveland Browns?
Yep, he was less than stellar while at Cleveland.