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Help me understand something (and I <3 Raisins fans)


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Aug 30, 2015
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First, Money is an absolute tool. I've crossed paths with this guy twice now and on both occasions he's demonstrated a level of reading comprehension and intellect that is rivaled by most 3 year olds in the final throes of death from fetal alcohol syndrome. When he has no rebuttal to something, he has to resort to petty insults. Yesterday I bullshitted two such posts from him, he cried about it, and then his tampon fell out and he proceeded to go back through the thread and drop poopies on all 15 of my posts up to that point. That's got to be a single day record around here. 17 poopies in all now, with two of them being from Tgann. I heart Raisins fans.

But I digress.

How is any of this wrong: Does Fantasy Football dictate how we judge players? | Page 4 | SportsHoopla Sports Forums ?

I've presented these same arguments before as a counter to all the nonsensical misconceptions and flawed perceptions that get thrown around on sports message boards, but very few people ever get it and I don't understand why. They're very basic concepts backed by sound reasoning and logic. At their core, the stats are the numerical recording of a player's performance. I haven't seen a single Falcons game this year, but I can conclude that Julio Jones is having a great year by looking at the numbers. How am I wrong? I didn't watch Bryce Harper play a single game during the MLB season, but I can conclude he had a great year - and the best of any player in the National League - by looking at the numbers as well. Lo and behold, he was league MVP. How do I know that without watching? I also don't watch too many NBA games anymore, but somehow I know that players like Steph Curry, Lebron James, Kevin Durant, and Anthony Davis are the league's best players. How? The numbers tell me so.

I kept track of my own stats after each and every game as a star in both football and basketball so I have an intimate and first hand understanding of the correlation between performance and the numbers. They don't lie. If you're playing well, the numbers are going to reflect that. If you're playing poorly, they'll reflect that too. So why is this such a difficult concept for everybody? The only conclusion that I can draw is that people are just simply going to believe whatever they want to believe and when the stats don't support the myths they've created about a player, it's because the stats are wrong or they aren't really telling the story. And that's nonsense. I never had a game where I played exceptionally well, but posted poor numbers statistically, and I never had a bad game where I lit up the stat sheet. Unlike everybody else, apparently, I don't watch every snap from all 32 NFL teams each and every week so I rely heavily on the stats to tell me who's playing well around the league, which defenses are the best and which offenses are the best, but I've evidently got it all wrong and am just a stat geek who knows nothing about sports. So please help me understand how I needed to have watched every game from Bryce Harper, Steph Curry, Lebron James, Kevin Durant, Anthony Davis, Julio Jones, Tom Brady, Aaron Rodgers, etc ad nauseam in order to be able to conclude that they are/were some of the best players in the league in a given season and where the flaws are in my method of tracking, evaluating, and comparing. Thanks.


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I didn't watch Bryce Harper play a single game during the MLB season, but I can conclude he had a great year - and the best of any player in the National League - by looking at the numbers as well. Lo and behold, he was league MVP.


Derp. Don't let this be the focal point. He's a MVP finalist at the moment, but I'm more than reasonably confident he'll be the winner of it when it's announced next week. That takes nothing away from the overall points that have been made. Exhaustion leads to brain farts.


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I wanted to read the whole thing, I really did! I got through the first paragraph though and 17 poopies is nowhere near the record, right @DoobeeDoobeeDoo ? :dhd:

But i'll still support your tirade as a show of solidarity.

View attachment 50880

That's a solid endorsement from someone who is polite as fuck. :thumb:

And I said getting 15 poopies in one day (from a single poster, no less) has to be a record, not 17 total.

The rest of that wasn't a tirade though, my dear. Starting from "But I digress" is getting into the actual subject matter of my thread and what I'd really like to understand since most people disagree with it on every site I've ever posted on, even though it's a very simple concept to grasp and something that I'm not wrong about. Give it another shot when your eyes have come unglazed. :tongue:


Polite as fuck.
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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That's a solid endorsement from someone who is polite as fuck. :thumb:

And I said getting 15 poopies in one day (from a single poster, no less) has to be a record, not 17 total.

The rest of that wasn't a tirade though, my dear. Starting from "But I digress" is getting into the actual subject matter of my thread and what I'd really like to understand since most people disagree with it on every site I've ever posted on, even though it's a very simple concept to grasp and something that I'm not wrong about. Give it another shot when your eyes have come unglazed. :tongue:
But I only understand that many words when there's gifs & memes to break it up!! :bawling:
What's the TL;DR version? Is it about the poopies or the ravens or football or synchronized swimming? Whatcha got?

And I think doobs gave thumper over 1,000 in one day. just sayin'. Your guy is a major underachiever.


Polite as fuck.
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I forgot to say that if it involves maths, I don't want to know. Thx!


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But I only understand that many words when there's gifs & memes to break it up!! :bawling:
What's the TL;DR version? Is it about the poopies or the ravens or football or synchronized swimming? Whatcha got?

What, you've never read books before? ;)

I don't do TL;DRs because I just end up repeating everything that I was trying to summarize by including one. Standoff. I guess I'll just hold out for someone who feels like reading all of it and hope that I'm not left with nothing but chirping crickets.

And I think doobs gave thumper over 1,000 in one day. just sayin'. Your guy is a major underachiever.

Pretty sure the doctor said the same thing about his parents on the day he was born. The guy's a few fries short of a happy meal.


Jul 2, 2013
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Aside from OldSchool & BlueSuns... Most Ratbird fans on this site hold grudges like none other. You must have done something to irk them on another forum so they are taking a personal vendetta against you. Tgann, Money & I have butted heads hundreds of times, going all the way back to the espn forum days.

Don't worry, you're not the first Steeler fan to get this treatment, and you won't be the last.

And another thing to keep in mind... About 60-80% (maybe more) of everything posted on the NFL general is trolling. Even if someone sounds like they are making a legit statement, they are often just trying to contradict you to get a rise out of you. The art of trolling knows no bounds on this site lol.

Here's something fun to look at @moxie


Padded cells optional
Apr 8, 2011
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Ratbird fans are somewhat decent, but if you rub them the wrong way, they tend to hold a grudge forever....LOL

I think they are easier to get along with than Cheatriot fans. At least most ratbird fans have some sort of brain, Cheatriot fans just worry about swinging from deflated brady balls.