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Hall of Fame 2015...No Barry Bonds

Band of Brothers

A Dreamer...trying to find my way home for dinner
Jul 14, 2013
SF Bay Area
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Congrats to the inductees..

Randy Johnson

Pedro Martinez

Craig Biggio

John Smoltz

All deserving but Barry Bonds 36.8 % of the vote. Piazza got snubbed also and he was never linked with PED's. The whole HOF has become a Country Club where they fuck who ever they want and say no you can't join .

I enjoyed the MUSEUM when I went there a almost 20 years ago but I have decided to never go back until guys like Bonds and Rose get in. The whole voting system needs to be updated and the Rose case needs to be looked at considering his illness as a possible Gambling Addict whether Rose admits it or not. I believe he has a problem but he deserves to be in a MUSEUM when guys like Cobb and Landis are in there. Integrity and Character...my ass. The whole thing is a joke.

I just won't go back again until they all get off their high horses. It's a fucking MUSEUM and guys like Rose and Bonds were pieces of Baseball Art...like it or not.

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Mondo Jay

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One thing that most people don't know is that steroids became available around the time Babe Ruth started to make his mark... yes that long ago. Now who here doesn't think that many playing baseball at that time if they had figured out that it could help them improve their performance wouldn't have tried them out?

Human beings being what they are "fallible" there would have been some, who knows lets say 25 to 35%, who would have used in the 30's 40's 50's 60' 70's and on forward. Excepting maybe Canseco enlisting McGwire (Who I think would have had a good chance of not having the foot problems with the extra weight and may well have gotten similar career totals with lower peaks) and a few other top end guys most of the early violators were lower end guys trying to stay in the league or trying for starting positions. As they got good results the pressure moved to the higher end guys and as we have been told by Bonds prosecutors he was frustrated that lesser players were getting the glory and that was supposed to be the reason he started using. All of this happened while of course the Union was sure to thwart any punishment and oversight to the problem and the owners were nervous over the lost World Series and weren't going to do anything about the problem as they were starting to make good money off these Big Performances. Because of the situation with between the Owners and the Union there was no urgency to tackle the problem.

The non-users were being hurt (lower rankings player to player) but making more money with the increased interest in the game with the Big numbers put up during that time so even the non-users benefited from the players who the used steroids. If there are any holier than though types out there who didn't use we didn't hear them pressing the Union to get steroids out of the game while it was happening but in the aftermath they can now say they were above the fray.

Band of Brothers

A Dreamer...trying to find my way home for dinner
Jul 14, 2013
SF Bay Area
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You know this is a good day to talk ball and the HOF MUSEUM. Baseball is art might be the most beautiful game ever played when it's clicking just right. I used to coach and I can remember I coached a lot of teams and baseball is baseball. I had some 10yr old kids who really played good ball and we had competition for the kids where we challenged them in practice how many plays in a row in infield they could make in a row without a error made. The kids really got into it and always wanted to beat their old record. They had practices when they never made a error . They had a lot of fun and one of our 10yr old teams won the Northern California State Championship. Those kids could really ball. They played together and were crisp. You really enjoyed witnessing it ...it was a beautiful thing to watch. It's a great game. It is art.



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In my earlier post I wasn't saying that anyone figured out to use steroids to their advantage at the earliest time it was available, but just to point out that there would have been some who would have used so that they could get the advantage. I would also think that the best players would generally wait to see the effects as they would worry it would screw up their play at the plate or in the field so it would generally be a bottom up movement and at some point the better players would have to consider it to keep their advantage over the other players. Without policing by the league (later on also the Union) there would be no pressure to keep the PEDs out of the game. By the way for whatever reason the Union only helped by accident when they agreed to a one time test of the players that turned up significant usage and that lead to testing witch the Union was steadfast against up until that point.

Band of Brothers

A Dreamer...trying to find my way home for dinner
Jul 14, 2013
SF Bay Area
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You know all these people that think Barry is a a-hole and was so standoffish in his career and really come after him and it seems to be more than the roids with them. Yeah Barry was standoffish and maybe he was a A-hole sometimes but that was Barry's wall and was protecting himself. His Dad got a lot of abuse during his years from the press with his alcohol problem. Barry was witnessed to a lot of stuff watching his Dad's career and his Dad was also absent for a lot of Barry's young life.

From what I watched on Ken Burn's 10th inning about Barry Bonds the great Willie Mays told Barry to look out for himself and take care of his family. I think maybe Willie might of been worried the press would come after Barry for something and was trying to protect him some. I know Willie might of been hurt by some of the critics that last year in New York with the Mets. It had to be tough for him to be declining and have everyone shaking their heads saying what happened to Willie. The toughest thing a athlete can do is come to grips with having to say goodbye. You could really see the pain in Willie's face the day he said goodbye to baseball. From all the stuff I have seen about Willie he can be a real sensitive person . Leo Durocher had to pump Willie up his rookie year because Willie thought he was not good enough to play in the bigs. Can you imagine that? The great Willie Mays had questions about his ability early on. Show's what a little encouragement can do for someone. Thank You Leo.

I think especially over the years some players have really tried to guard their privacy and are really afraid someone is going to do a hatchet job on them. Players have a survival instinct to stay focused with no extra drama in their life. It's hard to get up for 162 games a year and the grind can wear you down. Fans don't know what that is like. Their are just some nights when you are hurting bad and can't let that out. You have to suck that up and keep driving forward.

The press with all this Twitter stuff and fighting to be the first to get credit for the story has made the reporting suffer some in my opinion. It's important to get all the facts and also get a statement from a player you are going to report on. The press thinks they know sometimes what is going on but they really just might have all the facts. The player might be hurting or something and could be just frustrated. I think more honest communication and respect needs to be understood. It's a two way street.

Look I am not saying Barry was a choir boy or anything and I know he can be a pain too. We all have our moments and are not perfect. I really think Barry was protecting himself and he needed to in some way take on the whole world and do his own thing to perform at his highest. Yeah he fucked up with the roids which he did not test positive for by the way.

Let's remember Barry never had a chance to say goodbye to baseball. He was just shut out when he still had more left especially as a DH. Anyway all I know is Barry broke down some when he was signed back in 1993 with the Giants. He said it was good to be home and his boyhood dream had come true. It's all on tape ..go check it out. Anyway it all comes back to Art and Barry carried a big paint brush and was the best player of his generation and of all time and if the high horses can't see that then they just don't like baseball art. He deserves to be in the HOF period. It is a MUSEUM where the story of the game and the greats live. Send him home.


Band of Brothers

A Dreamer...trying to find my way home for dinner
Jul 14, 2013
SF Bay Area
Hoopla Cash
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it should read at that one point....they really might just not have all the facts

Also Barry was one of the best of all- time...not the greatest

He could really hit. Best compact swing ever.
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