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Flyer broadcasts


Future Flyer Cup-Winner
May 16, 2010
Eagan, MN
Hoopla Cash
$ 5,135.77
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Now look, I love the Flyers. I love watching Giroux make ridiculous passes, Hartnell running goalies, Pronger eating the opposing players, the fans booing everything in sight, the whole thing. But you know what I don't like? I'll tell you about it...

...right after today's Dodge "Truth in Engineering" segment! Did you see how Vadered set up that introduction? What a way to grab your attention and lead into his main point! A well crafted argument, now that's "Truth in Engineering!"

I'm getting kind of pissed off at all the sponsorship inside our own broadcasts. I understand that you need to sell advertising to pay for the production costs and make money, but that's somewhat ridiculous. And speaking of money...

... it's time for our Taco Bell "Value Play of the Game!" I'm calling on IPW to make a highly amusing PDF that I can later edit into this spot! Making somebody else do the work for you is a great example of value!

It's not even just that they have sponsorships inside the broadcast - we've put up with plugs for ticket sales and luxury boxes for a while, and that's perfectly understandable that they might want to drum up attendance. Insert clever segue here...

...because you'll need it for the Timberland "Stay on Your Feet Play of the Game!" See, while I'm typing this post, I'm drinking some water. If you don't drink water, you'll run out of liquids and your legs will shrivel up until they are almost as small as the non-Crosby portion of ESPN's NHL coverage! What a thing, folks, water, today's Timberland "Stay on Your Feet Play of the Game"

The thing that really gets me is when they don't have a good clip for the sponsor's thing, so the stay on your feet play ends up being somebody who didn't fall on their face while taking a wrist shot or something equally stupid And don't even get me started on when they don't have enough good clips and have to start repeating themselves...

...and we'll close out with today's Geico "Quote of the Game:"

Vadered said:
Now look, I love the Flyers. I love watching Giroux make ridiculous passes, Hartnell running goalies, Pronger eating the opposing players, the fans booing everything in sight, the whole thing. But you know what I don't like? I'll tell you about it...

...right after today's Dodge "Truth in Engineering" segment! Did you see how Vadered set up that introduction? What a way to grab your attention and lead into his main point! A well crafted argument, now that's "Truth in Engineering!"

I'm getting kind of pissed off at all the sponsorship inside our own broadcasts. I understand that you need to sell advertising to pay for the production costs and make money, but that's somewhat ridiculous. And speaking of money...

... it's time for our Taco Bell "Value Play of the Game!" I'm calling on IPW to make a highly amusing PDF that I can later edit into this spot! Making somebody else do the work for you is a great example of value!

It's not even just that they have sponsorships inside the broadcast - we've put up with plugs for ticket sales and luxury boxes for a while, and that's perfectly understandable that they might want to drum up attendance. Insert clever segue here...

...because you'll need it for the Timberland "Stay on Your Feet Play of the Game!" See, while I'm typing this post, I'm drinking some water. If you don't drink water, you'll run out of liquids and your legs will shrivel up until they are almost as small as the non-Crosby portion of ESPN's NHL coverage! What a thing, folks, water, today's Timberland "Stay on Your Feet Play of the Game"

The thing that really gets me is when they don't have a good clip for the sponsor's thing, so the stay on your feet play ends up being somebody who didn't fall on their face while taking a wrist shot or something equally stupid And don't even get me started on when they don't have enough good clips and have to start repeating themselves...

...and we'll close out with today's Geico "Quote of the Game:"


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
sponsorship is what it is. don't see the broadcast changing anytime soon. that being said it doesnt mean i have to like it ha.


Game fucking on!!
Apr 20, 2010
Bucks County, Pa.
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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V, If that's the kind of shit you worry about...brother, you need Valium. STAT!


Game fucking on!!
Apr 20, 2010
Bucks County, Pa.
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
I actually thought this thread was going to be about JJ's over use of the word "SHHHOT!!!!"

Fuck, I hate that...


Why you heff to be mad?
Jun 25, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
yeah the sponsorships can get a little annoying, but it is what it is, thats the world we live in unfortunately. what pisses me off to no end is those STUPID superimposed advertisements on the end boards glass at each end of the rink on the TV broadcasts. so ridiculous that they would go that far to put an advertisement. what's next? advertisements on the players jerseys like they do in soccer?


Pickles will Prevail
May 15, 2010
P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1

I don't think anyone on these boards has ever presented a more compelling argument argument than you have just done. Kudos to you for just ramming your argument down our throats. That was awesome. I lol'd

The team wants money, can;t blame them for that. I do wish they would get more creative with it. I hate when the "Geico great check of the game" comes midway through the first period (also it usually isn;t even the best hit from that point). I agree they need to do a batter job, but good luck convincing them to turn down money.


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 191.67
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at least they're highlights.. better than going to commercial after a TD, then after an extra point, then after the kickoff, then.....


Game fucking on!!
Apr 20, 2010
Bucks County, Pa.
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
Hell yeah....posts like that are absolutely vital to the overall success of this board!!

pffft Yeah....riiiight.. ;)