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Could this be a reason for defensive woes?


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Apr 21, 2013
St. Louis
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We went 4 weeks of pretty good defense and then in week 5 we let the cowboy score 48 points. Also that week, Romo calls out the defensive secondary for getting grabby on receivers. When thinking back on the past few weeks and thinking about how the colts shut us down for at least half the game I believe the secondary has started playing softer coverage. Rather than getting grabby like the colts did we seem to be backing off a little bit and hoping the throws are not on target or receivers drop it. On top of that, the softer coverage allows a QB to get rid of the ball quicker, preventing a sack.

What do you all think? Should the broncos start playing more aggressive with their secondary risking the flag or should there be another fix? I do think getting Woodyard back will help and hopefully Von gets back to game speed soon.

Breaking Down the Blueprint for Beating Peyton Manning & the Broncos | Bleacher Report


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Jul 11, 2013
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God. It wasn't even two friggin' days before the "blueprint" came out. I knew it was coming, but damn...


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Jul 11, 2013
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I hope we absolutely wipe the floor with Washington this weekend.


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Jul 22, 2013
Somewhere out West....
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Actually one of the rare times Bleacher Report has a good read. He's absolutely right. Colts played a flawless execution of their defense, and were definitely getting away with a lot more contact. We need to cut the scoring back down though. an 11+ point scoring average increase can't cut it. Get that back down in the 20's where it was last season, and we'll be much better off.


Troll Boy Extraordinaire
May 1, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Good point, hadn't thought of that. It does seem that the secondary hasn't been as aggressive as it was early in the season.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2013
Somewhere out West....
Hoopla Cash
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We went 4 weeks of pretty good defense and then in week 5 we let the cowboy score 48 points. Also that week, Romo calls out the defensive secondary for getting grabby on receivers. When thinking back on the past few weeks and thinking about how the colts shut us down for at least half the game I believe the secondary has started playing softer coverage. Rather than getting grabby like the colts did we seem to be backing off a little bit and hoping the throws are not on target or receivers drop it. On top of that, the softer coverage allows a QB to get rid of the ball quicker, preventing a sack.

If this is truely the case, we need a new defensive coordinator.....


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I think the switch to a softer defense came when all the injuries set in and we were struggling to get to the quarterback on a regular basis. My guess is as guys get healthier Del Rio will feel more comfortable switching the defense back to the style that we played with last year. I honestly think without Woodyard on the field Del Rio really does not trust the guys to be where they need to be so he has been calling a more conservative defensive set. I'm hoping once Woodyard is back this defense will be a whole new beast to mess with. We shall see...Honestly right now I just think this team needs to survive this week against Washington then be grateful they made it to the bye week and have some time to heal up.


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Apr 30, 2013
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I think the switch to a softer defense came when all the injuries set in and we were struggling to get to the quarterback on a regular basis. My guess is as guys get healthier Del Rio will feel more comfortable switching the defense back to the style that we played with last year. I honestly think without Woodyard on the field Del Rio really does not trust the guys to be where they need to be so he has been calling a more conservative defensive set. I'm hoping once Woodyard is back this defense will be a whole new beast to mess with. We shall see...Honestly right now I just think this team needs to survive this week against Washington then be grateful they made it to the bye week and have some time to heal up.

Personally, I feel like there is no way to judge this defense just yet.

The intended starting line up has played exactly zero snaps together.

Do they have areas where they need to improve? Of course they do......But, with the return of health to some key players will play a major factor down the stretch of the season.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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If you go back on Jacksonville game, you have to wonder what Del Rio is doing or if the secondary is just playing soft. It was obvious in 2nd half that Henne was targeting Blackmon and yet Denver never jammed him or doubled him. It was baffling. Blackmon was given a 5yd cushion almost every time Henne targeted him. Del Rio and company better grow some or this is going to be a major prob going forward. Time to be physical again and if you get some holding calls or whatever its still sending message that your going to hit them in the mouth every play and that starts to work against the wrs. Look at Seattle. They put some fear in there regardless and earn the respect and the fear. Yeah sometimes in back fires but for the most part...you earn respect and it throws off the timeing with the qbs/wrs and eventually you wear them down. Time to man up and get physical again damn it!!