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Kimmo Forever
Apr 20, 2010
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Anybody else wish he still played for this team?


Kimmo Forever
Apr 20, 2010
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Motivational thread has motivational value.


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Still looked bad in the first and sounded bad for 15 minutes of the 3rd. Bundy was not pleased with him at all


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Jun 20, 2010
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This is why you don't rag on DB just when you think he's done for bam he scores a few big ones and you're glad he's on your team and not on Buffalo anymore.....


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Jun 28, 2011
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Well, if Bundy was upset with him.....

After the first lucky bounce DB looked a bit more like himself pre-shoulder injury. Hopefully he is ready to go on one of those scoring streaks that make his stupid penalties easier to swallow.


Game fucking on!!
Apr 20, 2010
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I love having a stick happy little prick on the team. Keeps bitches on their toes.

Yeah...I could go without all of the idiotic penalties, but still...


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Jun 22, 2010
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I swore I made a thread about him sucking, but I couldn't find it so I'm resurrecting this one.

Briere sucks a dick hard. Through 2 periods of play he has managed to blow all but 1 pass reception and can't puck handle worth a shit when he does get it. I know the Flyers have other problems right now that seem to be more pressing(irregular goaltending, and swiss cheese defense) but this asshole is costing us a lot of time in the offensive zone where guess what? The other team can't score if we're in their end. I know this may come as a shock to several member of the Flyers coaching staff but it's a well known by almost anyone who has ever laced up a pair of skates. Take him off the fucking pp, limit his minutes as much as possible and for the love of all things holy get his list of teams he'll waive that fucking plague of a NTC to goto and get rid of him.

I really can't stand how many times I've heard "and Briere can't come up with the pass tonight", It's sickening. I'm going to have to start comparing him to Gomez. I mean at this point I'd rather his roster spot be occupied by Shelley cause even though Shelley is overpaid himself and won't help on the scoring end he at least lives up to his role and get's his face beat in from time to time.

In review Fuck Briere that worthless piece of shit.



Kimmo Forever
Apr 20, 2010
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But he is clutch in the playoffs. :behindsofa:


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Jun 22, 2010
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But he is clutch in the playoffs. :behindsofa:

Really, then where was he against Boston last year?

The playoff arguments has to have a shelf life. He had 1 really good playoff for us, the others are what you expect out of a $6.5m player. Career for us in 57 playoff games he has 59pts, 24 of those its on are the PP, he has 60 PIM's and he's -2 over that span. Oh and hold those points came in 1 years playoffs.

This year he has 34pt in 51 games is +2 with 61 Pim's. I can't even begin to figure out wtf he's doing on the ice most of the time now. He can't receive a pass, I counted 14 missed receptions in tonight's and 4 times the announcers subtly called him out on it. Then there's the 5 times he tried to stick handle through people and forgot the puck. He's been especially brutal on the PP trying to gain the offensive zone lately. Oh yea and he is still doing that skating in circles in the defensive zone that makes me want to douse his children in gasoline and throw matches at them until he can explain to me what his job is supposed to be in his own end.

I know my hatred for Briere is strong. I think he's a soft, heartless, cheap little turd of a player. Some of you will argue his heart, but for you out there please come up with one example of him showing heart at any time since the SC loss. I mean the guy get's icky sometimes, his hat trick this year was about the luckiest thing I've ever seen(flubbing a shot that somehow goes in, throwing it wide of the net hitting the d-man and it going in & the only nice goal a wrap around where he hacked the shit outta the goalie cause the ref didn't blow play dead fast enough). It's apparent that he needs a change of scenery, I mean he's like the 5th/6th best option at center we have now and with his recent play not only will he not be helpful in the playoffs, but with all the other problems we have noe he may be a cause of us actually missing the playoffs(I know unthinkable isn't it, but it could happen with the recent shit show I've seen). He needs to be moved, maybe he needs a fresh start, maybe he's too comfortable but whatever the reason for this crap is he needs to just go. If it can't be during the regular season then at the draft. If he refuses to leave and the new cab includes the amnesty buy-out I'd be heavily considering it if I was Homer.

This is a young, fast, gritty, energy team and Briere has just not fit in this year. We have too many talented centers not seeing enough playing time to keep an over-paid severely under-acheiveing 34 year old on the roster.

Edit: Sorry if this is too much, offensive or hard to follow. I'm just fed-up with how hard things are on everyone and some of these over-paid athletes who we look forward to seeing play don't give a shit about their job. I'm sure 95%+ of the fans on this board work their asses off, it's what Philadelphia is about, hard work. A player wearing our teams uniform and from my point of view mailing it in every night, cause he's set with a NTC is fucking ridiculous and unacceptable.
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Kimmo Forever
Apr 20, 2010
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I agree with youf or the most part, bandit. Briere has been shit this year, and deserves more hate than he has gotten. It just is not there with him for whatever reason. However I still would like to keep him. See how he does next year. If it is shit, then I take a look into moving him.

As far as being clutch in the playoffs, I just said that as it seems to be the almighty attribute to him that makes him the untouchable Second Coming of Christ he is made out to be.


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Jun 22, 2010
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I agree with youf or the most part, bandit. Briere has been shit this year, and deserves more hate than he has gotten. It just is not there with him for whatever reason. However I still would like to keep him. See how he does next year. If it is shit, then I take a look into moving him.

As far as being clutch in the playoffs, I just said that as it seems to be the almighty attribute to him that makes him the untouchable Second Coming of Christ he is made out to be.

The problem with keeping him next year along with all the other contracts we have means no Jagr or no Vorachek, possibly both. Then there's the little fact that we have 3 NHL defensemen signed. We have 6.5m in cap I believe and there are some reports of the cap actually going down in the new cba. Plus we have captain injury on the shelf again and this time possibly permanently and we have no idea how that situation will play out and what we'll have to do with his cap hit(another fucking retarded 35+ contract). Realistically we can't field a cup contender next year unless either we move a big contract(and Briere's is the most worthless now imo) or everything in the new cba goes the owners way(amnesty buy-outs, higher cap limit) & Pronger can go on the LTIR.

It could all work out fine without moving Briere, but I doubt it. Let's say the cap goes up 3m and Prongers 4.9 can go on the LTIR, that gives us 14.5m to find 2 d-men, re-sign Jagr, Vorachek and the rfa's and try to upgrade anywhere we need to. If Briere was gone we would have 21m and that number gives us so many more options. I'd love to see the Flyers pursue both Weber and Suter(possibly get them on a slight discount/good cap hit to stay together and play for a team dedicated to winning every year). I know the pickings for ufa d-men are kinda slim this year so re-signing one of Grossman or Kubina should happen as well. I just can't see us having the cap room to put out a SC contender without moving Briere or Bryz or both(that would be awesome). We just need too much right now, form a cap management point he's starting to resemble Scott Gomez...


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Mar 29, 2011
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Briere is obviously struggling, he has gone goal less in 15 games. I'm not worried, he shows up in the playoffs. Point per game average he has in the playoffs with Philly is worth gold. His contract along with Timmonen/Harts are real cap killers, but thats what happens in free agency, tend to over pay. Until Briere isn't clutch come playoff time, then people can bitch about him, with a leg to stand on.


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Jun 22, 2010
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Briere is obviously struggling, he has gone goal less in 15 games. I'm not worried, he shows up in the playoffs. Point per game average he has in the playoffs with Philly is worth gold. His contract along with Timmonen/Harts are real cap killers, but thats what happens in free agency, tend to over pay. Until Briere isn't clutch come playoff time, then people can bitch about him, with a leg to stand on.

You're blind if you think you can compar briere to timo or harra especially this year. At this point I'll go on record now and say he lays an egg in the playoffs(if we even get there) and ruins any trade value he has along with crippling this team with his cap hit.

The mad love for DB's 1 good playoff run boggles my mind.


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Jun 18, 2010
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Briere is obviously struggling, he has gone goal less in 15 games. I'm not worried, he shows up in the playoffs. Point per game average he has in the playoffs with Philly is worth gold. His contract along with Timmonen/Harts are real cap killers, but thats what happens in free agency, tend to over pay. Until Briere isn't clutch come playoff time, then people can bitch about him, with a leg to stand on.

for hartnells production this year, you can argue he is actually outplaying his contract. timmonen may be a little overpaid but just slightly.


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Apr 20, 2010
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You're blind if you think you can compar briere to timo or harra especially this year. At this point I'll go on record now and say he lays an egg in the playoffs(if we even get there) and ruins any trade value he has along with crippling this team with his cap hit.

The mad love for DB's 1 good playoff run boggles my mind.

1 good playoff run? Shit you better go back and check some fuckin stats.. Your blind hate for him is mind boggling to me and also becoming very annoying, try talkin about another under achiever for a change, there's plenty to choose from.
If you just plain hate the guy then just say so, but don't keep harpin on it..


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Jun 22, 2010
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for hartnells production this year, you can argue he is actually outplaying his contract. timmonen may be a little overpaid but just slightly.

Harts is making up for last year when his production was down. Timo is earning every $0.01 he makes, being one of the most consistent d-men in the entire league. I can; only remember 1 bad game for Timo this year and he was still by far the best we had on the ice on the backend that day. Here's something for you to think about, it's how much we're paying them per pt that they score.

Harts- 4.2m with 58 pts means he's making $72,414 per pt.
Giroux- 3.75m with 72 pts means he's making $52,083 per pt..
JVR- 1.65m with 24 pts means he's making $68,924 per pt(this is his current contract).
Briere- 6.5m with 34 its means he's making $191,177 per pt.

My point is that Briere's production per $ is extremely low. Instead of having Briere we could have another Harts, Giroux & JVR. It's just amazing to me how much rope this asshole is given. He's almost single handily been fucking up the 2nd PP unit, he plays less defense then Zherdev, he's extremely weak on the puck this year, he couldn't puck handle his way out of a paper bag & he can't hit the damn net to save his life.

It's finally time to put away that 1 playoff performance and ask "what have you done for me lately?". The problem with that question is that I really can't come up with anything other then give me numerous headaches every time he is n the ice.


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Jun 18, 2010
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lol...wait did i say i liked what danny briere is doing this year or did i just comment that hartnell and timmonen were not overpaid (and if so just minorly overpaid)

i agree with you that we need much more out of danny. but i dunno, me i'm somewhat of an optimist. hell...i'm still bryz's biggest supporter over here, and also an advocate for JVR staying. so danny for me, i can have him or trade him, i dont think you get much return from trading him and i know he can be better than what he has been so i just hope he finds himself.