We must have been watching something different. He was getting destroyed. I almost cried while he was out there.
Hopefully thats his last minutes on the court in a Heat uniform. I like him as a person, and a teammate, but not on the court. Kelly O is much better.
Bucks were playing with a near double digit lead for quite some time, but you could tell that the Heat weren’t going away.
Once the Heat went on a run, the Bucks melted.
If you are going to call the one on Dragic, then you have to call the one on Giannis.
Neither should have been called. You seldom if ever here me say the refs dictated the outcome of a game, but tonight, no doubt, they kept the Bucks in the game.
Heat played as dumb as I've ever seen a team...
I understand the logic, but this season is unlike any other. Since the restart, the Bucks have not looked like the best team in the East.
If the Heat happens to win today, does ‘for now’ change?
My post said ‘as of this minute’.