Who had no cap room?
If so, no way he could create any?
Jones Jr and Kelly O dont play for free.
The difference between them and Dragic isnt that drastic.
He just made a decision that in this instance case didnt work out for him.
Nunn is one of three finalists for rookie of the year. Him not getting minutes right now just proves how deep the Heat are.
Nunn will have 0 problem finding work in the NBA for years to come.
How’s your Cavs tanking to get higher draft picks working out?
I wasn’t watching the game as normal, had it on my phone so I really cant fairly break it down player by player.
Herro was in down the stretch, I believe, so he must have earned the minutes.
As far as Duncan, if he misses he misses. One of the best shooters in the league. He won’t force shots...
Or, the Mavs are Cubans toy, and we all know that money is secondary.
Yes, he didn't have a crystal ball or obviously he takes Dragic, but today, to not say it was a mistake, is just stupid.
Barea played 0 minutes game 1.
Dragic isnt a great defender, but he is very talented ( all star), and as mentally tough as they get.
Obviously there were circumstances that dictated the moves or non moves, but all I am suggesting, knowing what we know today, is that Cuban probably regrets not...
Mavs bench guards played 66 minutes combined game 1. Whether Dragic starts, or not, the 25-30 minutes he could play are better then whoever he would be taking them from.
As far as Riley, what we dont know, is what was in his head as other potential moves last summer if Dragic would have been...