No way the Heat can win even a game IF the Lakers play like they played last night.
I’m not expecting them to be that efficient over the course of what I thought would be at least a 6 game series.
Obviously the injuries came at the absolute worst time, but it happens.
No way the Heat will ever...
Bitter sweet, because it would be so much fun to be able to attend a Finals vs LeBron and the Lakers, but who knows if under normal conditions if the Heat would have made it without home court in any round.
Thank You. Fun team to watch.
Can you imagine how good we would be if?
Riley could draft.
If Riley hadn't lost his fastball with FA.
If Butler wasn't washed up and a terrible team player.
I'm here. Actually went 'away' for weekend to new local Hard Rock.
We should have known it would be an All Disney Finals.
Not that I ever wish any injuries on anyone, but I think the Heat is 1 A.D. injury away from winning the title.
Either way, great season by both teams.
The NBA did a great...
Besides Duncan tonight, only player really making 3s has been Herro.
He doesnt start.
Celtics were letting us shoot start of 3rd qtr, then positioned to fast break.
Wiggy still in hiding?
Either Riley hasn't lost his fastball, or teams can get much better players a bit later in the draft vs tanking a season hoping to get top 5.
In this case Wiggy he was wrong about both, which is pretty much the norm.
Who remembers when @WiggyRuss was calling Mayfield an ‘elite QB’, and Cleveland sports fans would prefer him over Mahomes?
He also said Cleveland sports fan will regard Baker higher then LeBron.
It was very close, and by rule, a foul, but in my opinion it isn't a call made very often at that time of the game.
IMO, the foul on Butler, had no effect on the shot, but he was fouled.
So, if you call 1 you have to call the other.
I made a joke about it today, unrelated to you. Then you brought it up.
And, woulda, shouda, couda.
This is sports. If anyone on earth said Heat would be up 3-1, I’d have been the first to sign up.
Better to get refocused now vs in game 1 ECF.