He was a piece of a puzzle.
He did his job just like many other role players during the 8 seasons James was on the Heat and Cavs.
The fact the Heat won twice with not much at the C position supports everything Ive said.
Foolish to your opinion?
Nobody here gives a fuck about your opinions if you haven’t noticed.
Funny thing is you act like someone is trying to convince you of something when they state an opinion.
Not the case.
Couldn’t care less if you agree or not.
I can give you a whole list of players who got paid a ton of money they didn’t play at all, and /or weren’t even rostered.
I’d say production in minutes played is whats important.
Whitesides numbers have always been fine.
Yes sir.
He was right across from us.
We went over to see him mid 4th qtr.
Sucks hes in the seats vs on the floor.
I told him Silva shouldnt be allowed to wear #30
I’ll give you one obvious answer, hopefully so you won’t continue to pollute the thread.
Bam is a much better athlete.
As much as you guys want to rip Whiteside, you should praise Bam.
He does things TT and most others can’t get close to for his size.
I know you don’t watch Heat games, but Cavs...
What means nothing is your biased comments.
Hes no longer on the Heat, so I really don’t care what he does.
That being said, he’s been fine.
If you want to play guessing games on minutes played, go ahead.
As you’ve mentioned 10000 times, the league has changed.
Don’t act like Whiteside in the...
If Whiteside wasn't good, he wouldn't get the minutes.
If Tristan was all that you claim, he'd be given more minutes.
Coaches want their best players on the court.
So when Whiteside lead the legs in total rebounds that's an easier accomplishment??
Gotta Love This Forum
I told you I wasn't interested in one of your 50,000 post debates.
Bam is way better. That's it.
Star a poll.
How about you two show us when Whiteside was nailed to the bench?
So, with TT being all he is, why not keep him around long term?
All you do is come up with hypothetical trades.
You don’t think Heat will pay Bam when his day comes?
There’s reasons for everything.
Whiteside was moved to second unit, which included Wade and Dragic.
How many games has Whiteside ever been DNP , coaches decision.
Also nice to act like it happened before Bam emerged.
TT actually was benched.
Though, its understandable that you can’t comprehend the difference...
Whiteside has lead the league in blocks and rebounds.
Tristan has lead it in fucking his pregnant wife's friends.
Like I said, post away, but nobody cares and the 60-10 poll speaks for itself
Im still waiting for @dtgold88 to make the Bam/Tristan poll.
To correct you, I said he’d never play for Gilbert.
Who knew that Gilbert would pussy out like he did?
Whiteside was never benched. He was moved to the second unit, as was Wade, now Dragic, and others.
Benched is what TT was in some games, and that was in spite of the Cavs having nothing at C...
Nice prediction!
Started a thread to make a fool out of yourself.
You need to Browns ones from this summer?
#timevindicates is pretty much perfect motto for you, if its about being wrong.
Coming from a loser, dip shit like you, its a compliment.
Maybe you can bullshit people in your inner tard circle, but everyone who was here during your meltdowns knows what you said/predicted.
Black and white what?
Maybe you said banished or one of several other possible terms?
Fact is, without dispute, that you said once he got paid, he would do countless things wrong which would lead to him being out of the league before the end of the contract.
I think heading into the 4th, McCollum was 1-12, before ending up 4-19 or something like that.
Nice player stat selection.
Whiteside appeared to be fine last night.
I didnt see any of the game.
You never see games, but comment like you did.
Bam is our franchise C.
Losing Whiteside this season was probably for the better.
And not sure how good you think that I think he is.
But he sure as hell isn’t the ‘lard ass’ Wiggy depicts him as.