I believe tonight is the first time Heat has had consecutive night home games since strike season.
They’re killing me, but games have been so entertaining.
Watching Bam last year, it was obvious Whiteside had no future here.
Thats not a knock on Whiteside, its just that every factor was in Bam’s favor.
Hes already tons better this year from what we saw last year.
Paterno wasn’t accused of any of that.
He was accused of looking the other way, and many PSU fans defended him, for various reasons.
My post was about fan behavior, nothing more. Nothing less
Where the fuck do you see anywhere where I am comparing the fan bases comparing the crimes?
Only in your make believe world.
Only you would continue to argue what is written in a short sentence!
Easy to see who the smart one in the room is.
Not only that, Sandusky was the *********, not Paterno.
People found excuses for looking the other way.
There is no excuse for any fan to try to justify it.
No fan should try to justify what Garrett did.
End of story.
“My agenda?
I wanted the Browns to win.
Im never defending assault though.
You clowns remind me of the PSU fans defending Paterno.”
Its a game.
Learn how to separate it from real life.
THAT is the actual, original post.
Clearly I compared fan bases defending one of theirs vs comparing the...