Well-Known Member
Thought you were a Bucks fan?
I've been a bucks fan my whole life... with nothing much to cheer about.
Really started getting into the NBA in 04. First game I watched was bulls-cavs LBJ hit a 3 to send it to OT (i came away from that game enamored by Ben Gordon and LBJ) after that I just kind of rooted for the bucks and LeBron (although I seriously hate LeBron doing anything other than playing bball, everytime he talks I cringe, and honestly, I've grown more attached to kyrie and it sucks to seem him all crippled up tonight... he just looked slow). ANyways, not much to talk about on the bucks front the past 10 years so I've mainly just rooted for LeBron to not talk and play good bball. But my heart will always be pulling for the bucks (i am a wisco boy afterall, but FUCK THE PACKERS)