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Super Bowl- Who are you rooting for?


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Jul 22, 2013
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I was rooting for Nick Foles (fellow Arizona Wildcat)! Glad to see him pull it out against Brady and Co.

Philly now has a very interesting QB situation coming up this offseason.


Go Pats!
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Well that didn't go as planned.
Good game Eagles, they were the better team last night.


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Jul 17, 2013
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My wife after the game said that I maybe cheered more for the Eagles than at any time for the Broncos this past year. Good to see a team get their first Super Bowl and take down the Patriots at the same time. Patriots worked hard to buy this championship trading away tons of draft capital to get known players. So to see them lose even after doing all that was a good feeling.

It is time for somebody else to emerge in the NFL. Hopefully the rumors of the Patriots being at odds with each other is true and we see the dismantling of that franchise.


Broncos Fanatic
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My wife after the game said that I maybe cheered more for the Eagles than at any time for the Broncos this past year. Good to see a team get their first Super Bowl and take down the Patriots at the same time. Patriots worked hard to buy this championship trading away tons of draft capital to get known players. So to see them lose even after doing all that was a good feeling.

It is time for somebody else to emerge in the NFL. Hopefully the rumors of the Patriots being at odds with each other is true and we see the dismantling of that franchise.

I'm in complete agreement and I was definitely pulling for the Eagles. Both to get their first championship and to bring down the Patriots. Now having said that, I have massive respect for what the New England Patriots have accomplished over the last 15 years or so. I really don't think I'll ever see a team complete that kind of dynasty with staying power again in my lifetime. It's nothing short of amazing, in the salary cap/free agency era. I hope that this signals the changing of the guard but I think it's probably premature to count the Patriots out quite yet.


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Jul 17, 2013
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I'm in complete agreement and I was definitely pulling for the Eagles. Both to get their first championship and to bring down the Patriots. Now having said that, I have massive respect for what the New England Patriots have accomplished over the last 15 years or so. I really don't think I'll ever see a team complete that kind of dynasty with staying power again in my lifetime. It's nothing short of amazing, in the salary cap/free agency era. I hope that this signals the changing of the guard but I think it's probably premature to count the Patriots out quite yet.

Oh agreed. As long as Tom Brady and Belichick are there they will be right in the thick of things. If both of them are with the Patriots next year they will be my #1 team in the AFC once again. And yes have to respect a lot of what they have accomplished over the last 15 years. Going to be interesting to see how Pats fans react to not having those two though sometime in the near future. Once you get used to winning it is hard to quit it. Heck our Manning years it has been a bit rough to watch since then. Most of this season I've honestly been more interested in the upcoming draft/FA than I have what the Broncos were doing on the field. I expected a rough season though so hard to really go crazy wanting to watch a team that is in need of an influx of young talent.


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Jul 17, 2013
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Looking around the web today and Pats fans going crazy about the officiating in the game. My guess is they have been so used to all the calls going their way that they don't know what an objective officiated game actually looks like. I really was impressed with the officiating in the game. Of course they missed calls along the way, but to me they let both sides play. They allowed a lot of physicality and provided us with one of hte more entertaining Super Bowls I can remember.

Draft Crazy

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No matter the game you're always going to ahve fans whine about officiating, so annoying.

And what was up with Cris Collinsworth last night? Did Eagles fans treat him poorly or something? I normally like the guy. But man he was terrible last night.


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Jul 17, 2013
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No matter the game you're always going to ahve fans whine about officiating, so annoying.

And what was up with Cris Collinsworth last night? Did Eagles fans treat him poorly or something? I normally like the guy. But man he was terrible last night.

I had never felt like a game commentator was so easily showing his bias in the game. I'm pretty sure he is in love with Tom Brady (watch out Gisele) and how he could ever think that Ertz TD wasn't a TD was ridiculous. I know they have had some bad calls this year with what is a catch and isn't but that one was pretty obvious. The entire time pretty much just suggesting Pats are going to come back and it isn't even a question but a matter of when. About wanted to turn the volume off because of him.

Draft Crazy

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I had never felt like a game commentator was so easily showing his bias in the game. I'm pretty sure he is in love with Tom Brady (watch out Gisele) and how he could ever think that Ertz TD wasn't a TD was ridiculous. I know they have had some bad calls this year with what is a catch and isn't but that one was pretty obvious. The entire time pretty much just suggesting Pats are going to come back and it isn't even a question but a matter of when. About wanted to turn the volume off because of him.

Yeah it was ridiculous and so obvious. I never pay attention like a lot of fans do to commentators appearing to go for one team over another, just doesn't bother me as much as it does some. But last night was pretty bad.


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Jul 17, 2013
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Yeah it was ridiculous and so obvious. I never pay attention like a lot of fans do to commentators appearing to go for one team over another, just doesn't bother me as much as it does some. But last night was pretty bad.

I had a guy sitting next to me last night that never watches football. At one point he leaned in and goes "man this Collinsworth guy is a huge Pats fan. Why would they let him commentate this game?" He definitely reached levels so few do.

Draft Crazy

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Yeah, something was up with that... The Clement TD I can see it being debatable, but you can't overturn that call. Not enough evidence to say he didn't have possession. The Ertz touchdown I thought wasn't even really worth reviewing... He was clearly took several steps there before he crossed the EZ so it wasn't a Jesse James like play yet Collinsworth thought he was so sure it was the wrong call..

It was a terrible game by him and very obvious.

I haven't seen anything as obvious as that since Dick Vitale (which is a weekly thing for him ,but we are use to that by now)

Then anytime the Patriots would start a drive, it was that deep scratchy (OHHHHHHHHHHH HERE WE GO.. TOM BRADY AND THE PATRIOTS)


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Jul 17, 2013
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Yeah, something was up with that... The Clement TD I can see it being debatable, but you can't overturn that call. Not enough evidence to say he didn't have possession. The Ertz touchdown I thought wasn't even really worth reviewing... He was clearly took several steps there before he crossed the EZ so it wasn't a Jesse James like play yet Collinsworth thought he was so sure it was the wrong call..

It was a terrible game by him and very obvious.

I haven't seen anything as obvious as that since Dick Vitale (which is a weekly thing for him ,but we are use to that by now)

Then anytime the Patriots would start a drive, it was that deep scratchy (OHHHHHHHHHHH HERE WE GO.. TOM BRADY AND THE PATRIOTS)

Haha yeah sounded more like a fan trying to will it into existence than a guy being an objective observer. I felt like his partner at times didn't know what to say because Collinsworth was dominating the conversation so much and if he said anything good about the Eagles he might get the death stare from Collinsworth. It felt like when I watched the Broncos Super Bowl against the Panthers and I was sitting next to a Chiefs fan. I gave him the death stare all night any time he made a bad comment about the Broncos.


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Aug 6, 2015
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The Patriots were called for two penalties. One was accepted.

Last game they had one penalty, on special teams. Hard to believe any team is not called for a single hold all game. And in theAFC final vs Jax with one of the best DLs?


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Aug 13, 2015
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Yeah, something was up with that... The Clement TD I can see it being debatable, but you can't overturn that call. Not enough evidence to say he didn't have possession. The Ertz touchdown I thought wasn't even really worth reviewing... He was clearly took several steps there before he crossed the EZ so it wasn't a Jesse James like play yet Collinsworth thought he was so sure it was the wrong call..

It was a terrible game by him and very obvious.

I haven't seen anything as obvious as that since Dick Vitale (which is a weekly thing for him ,but we are use to that by now)

Then anytime the Patriots would start a drive, it was that deep scratchy (OHHHHHHHHHHH HERE WE GO.. TOM BRADY AND THE PATRIOTS)

If those two plays were the Pats today they'd be talking about the dynasty not complaining about the plays at all. Pats fans went on about us complaining about Pitt and Jax games haters being crybabies. Today they are doing some thing lol funny how it's different when its them.


6 Time Poster of the Month
Sep 2, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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As someone who whines about officiating, i thought they got the majority of the game right, and all the big calls.

But there were some that could be called either way, and they broke against the Pats... for once.